With live instrumentation and intense performances in a live setting, they are one of the young electronic acts that live up to the task of transforming the precepts of Mexican electronic and rock music. Their music is a soft mélange of digital, analog and acoustic sounds that they describe as electronic lullabies. Childs craft music that is challenging, endearing and captivating.
- Static Discos
childs PRESS KIT:
- CPK english
- CPK español
- YUI reviews -
"... with Yui, Childs manages that bittersweet trick of managing to effortlessly marry moments of deep melancholy with settings of heart-stopping sonic beauty."- Grooves Magazine
"...good people have many things to be sad about. As harsh as it can be, these aural images are breathtaking."
- * * * * URB Magazine
"...throughout the album, voices drift through dreamy, string-laden landscapes while chiming guitars transport songs into higher galaxies..."
- Textura
"...there's both calm and sadness in Yui, the dreams of childhood carrying with them the disappointments of adulthood as well. Magic and loss, both projected beautifully."
- Erasing clouds
"... as overall package is one that creates the suggestion of future memories of a perfect childhood that will never exist but still has a calming influence in a troubled present."
- Mexadelic
"Estamos ante uno de los discos más hermosos del año, música electrónica de finas texturas, beats minimales y sampleos fuertemente cimentados en regresiones infantiles... un álbum que guarda dentro de si un concepto de ensueño muy fuerte que como al despertar, no por mucho interpretar se logra comprender de lleno..."
- Indie-gente
"...los de Ensenada alcanzan momentos realmente bellos... sobre un trabajo que (milagro en este 'subgénero') rozando la hora de duración deja el aburrimiento a kilómetros de distancia..."
- 8.25, Avantfolk
"...texturas melodiosas que nos trasladan a lugares relajantes, agradables y sin estruendos. Electrónica para olvidarnos de la presión urbana."
- * * * ½ Rolling Stone México
Digital release
- ITUNES- Emusic
- Rhapsody
- Kompakt-mp3
- Audio Lunchbox
CD release
USA, Worldwide:· Darla-online (USA)
· Amazon (USA)
· Norman Records (UK)
·Juno Records (UK)
· Warszawa Online (Japan)
· Popmusik (Japan)
· Zoo Records (China)
· DISCOTECA (D.F.) Citlaltepec 23-C, Col. Condesa, tel. 52120234
·TATEI, Plaza GalerÃas (GDL)
· MUNDO ROCK, Plaza Hussongs, 2do piso (Ensenada)
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Luz Silenciosa
En el trailer de Luz Silenciosa de Carlos Reygadas, puedes escuchar una parte de Ian P (del disco Yui)