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Cool the Globe

About Me

We are the Captain Planet's four planeteers, Lukas, Meehan, Kim Pajero and Pippa......... we want to save the planet aginst global warming and ninja turtles......... and we want to make everyone aware of these problems and tell you how you can help in your own little way-........ Buy recycled toilet paper (warning may be scratchie but hey I would rather have a scratched arse then be eating dirt so to speak)-........ Turn your lights off every 1st Wednesday of every month...even if it is just for one hour It is helping our global warming situation.-........ Car pool or walk to work.... come on It can't be that hard to walk a little it might help you out in the looks department and as for car pooling you must know someone at work that will wanna do it......-........ At work recycle as much as you can or even buy recycled paper or buy plantaion grown paper none of this free range stuff your getting confused with your eggs.....-......... You can also organise for the printer carteridges to be recycled or re - used so give it a go and you can be a Captain Planet planeteer.-.......... Try to e-mail more often then faxes most of you won't really know how to use a fax machines anyway it's save on paper hehehe..... travel layout @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

Our interest is to live longer then the next generation if we all play our part in saving the world we might be around for a little longer yeeeeehaaaaaaaaa!!!!!SNL- Al Gore as President on parallel Earth

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I'd like to meet:

We would like to meet anyone that's willing to help or take notice, even if we make you turn off your lights before leaving the house we have started something perhaps a small reveolution......... whoop whoop :0)Eric Prydz vs Pink Floyd - Proper Education

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It's all in the music babes... did you know going to music festivals is a great way to saving the planet.... think about it all those ppl in one place, not at home using power, car pooling to get to and from. That's one whole day and night where thousands of ppl are saving the world and gettin a bit of culture into ya, so moral to this story is save the world go to festivals hehehe. We love the Idea of that. Saving the world doesn't have to be hard work it can be as easy as that. So when you are humming and haarring about the price of the tickets justify by saying to one self I am saving the world rock and roll baby......:0)


Captain planet,all the planeteers of the world anyone who at one point in life makes that little effort to save a little part of our world.....

My Blog

SAVE the PLANET you!!!

There is hope for us out there here are some more Ideas to save the planet and I swear it isn't that hard...... * Take ATM receipts for eg. You don't need em......come on really you look at it for a s...
Posted by Cool the Globe on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:20:00 PST