Our interest is to live longer then the next generation if we all play our part in saving the world we might be around for a little longer yeeeeehaaaaaaaaa!!!!!SNL- Al Gore as President on parallel Earth
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We would like to meet anyone that's willing to help or take notice, even if we make you turn off your lights before leaving the house we have started something perhaps a small reveolution......... whoop whoop :0)Eric Prydz vs Pink Floyd - Proper Education
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It's all in the music babes... did you know going to music festivals is a great way to saving the planet.... think about it all those ppl in one place, not at home using power, car pooling to get to and from. That's one whole day and night where thousands of ppl are saving the world and gettin a bit of culture into ya, so moral to this story is save the world go to festivals hehehe. We love the Idea of that. Saving the world doesn't have to be hard work it can be as easy as that. So when you are humming and haarring about the price of the tickets justify by saying to one self I am saving the world rock and roll baby......:0)
Captain planet,all the planeteers of the world anyone who at one point in life makes that little effort to save a little part of our world.....