Music and food. I love to cook fancy meals and deserts. Im addicted to chocolate and coffee. eat organic if you can
no metal or country. thems is for hicks. everything else is allright i guess.Currently I have been listening to:Frank Locarsto's disc,Wolfgang Muthspeil and Brian Blade,Charly Haden StuffBaby Loves Jazz series.KCRW
sometimes I watch telivision(actually quite a bit). laTE NIGHT wITH cOnAN. I watch other stuff, but I HATE REALITY TV. It is some of the worst writing ever(even though its not scripted....yeah right) Even the cooking reality shows like Hells Kitchen piss me off. Acceptable shows include: the simpsons, the muppets, Sesame street, ..aries, food TV, food shows in general, family guy, Sopranos, the office(US or UK),Sex in the City, Sienfeld, Curb your enthusiasm, the muppets, the shield. etc.