True crime shows, Cooking, shopping and having coffee, tea or whatever with good freinds.
people from all over the world I was going to name a few celebs but in reality they're regular people too, just with more money. Lets face it money doesn't nenecessarily make someone interesting, and I'm too real (not mention old, lol) to fake being interested.
I like a little of everything from oldies (mowtown), some pop songs,a few country songs to rap Hmmmmmmmm maybe I should just say any music that makes me happy I like :)
some horror, comedy, thrillers again it depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time.
court T.V, American Idol csi, law&order and some comedies.
true crime (Ann Rule) Suspense (John Sandford)(James Patterson)
Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Geronimo and quite a few others