Allan profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

23 Years young. Busy as ever. Any events please let me know a month in advance.I've been through it all. From the FBI flying us to the floor and being held up at GUN POINT to Disneyland. To Viva Las Vegas and to Hollywood and back. I live my life in the spotlight. My friends and family mean the world to me. They are AMAZING! They keep me going. I hit the clubs when I can. And when we do it's usually full blast. I can be very open at times yet shady. If I don't know you I'm kinda shy but when I do get to know you watch out. I work hard and am very greatful for what I have today. Life is short so...LIVE EVERYDAY AS IT WAS YOUR LAST!

My Interests

*dancing *MAC *AX & Guess *clubbing with the peeps *going to Oahu to see some of the best people you could ever know *What the future holds *Beyonce' *I can't live without my electronics!But the real question is, "Can you do it SOBER?" *Cause I can!Almost 7 years and wOt!

I'd like to meet:

The Knowles Family. Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Nothing in this world can explain the love I have for music.


Set it Off and Baps can give you an idea of my collection.


Thank gawd for DVR!


I think I can do audio books and thats about it.


Ho'o Maka Hou M.Y.F.S. ...Thank You 4 Everything!

My Blog

future dreams AHHHHH

Okay guys, I know i know i shop online way too much but hey i get bored sometimes...anyways you can probably call this my wish list?X-mas 2007 list who knows.I'd like to call it my , "I'm bound to buy...
Posted by Allan on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:22:00 PST

Hulu’s Birthday Party

hulu's birthday party will be held at Ocean's Bar and Grill on Thursday, Sept. 27th 2007 At 7pm call me for more info
Posted by Allan on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:09:00 PST

Beyonce' Video Section

listen irraplaceable ...
Posted by Allan on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 07:09:00 PST

Christmas Wish List

Blackberry Pearl 32 inch Plasma (poloroid brand) The Devil wears prada dvd cds - gwen,dreamgirls soundtrack,ciara,christina,justin
Posted by Allan on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:17:00 PST