<[Gez]> profile picture


*Speak now or forever hold your peace in pieces*

About Me

Ok so.. born in Ebbw Vale, moved to Cardiff where I've lived ever since. I end up doing loads of stuff, meaning I'm always pretty busy, whether its running between Hockey and music, or general socialising. I love my family and friends.. Those who have been there since forever and hopefully will be, and those who I've met only recently.
Atm I'm in Cardiff Uni studyin for a music degree, which I absolutely adore, I'm doing something I'm really happy with, and with some pretty damn cool people.
In the future..who knows what can happen, but I'll keep my eyes open ready to grab any oppertunities that are thrown at me..

My Interests

*Being lazy*
*New Challenges*

I'd like to meet:

Good Ol' Johnny Depp...hell yes...

Good times..

First Year Uni times..


What i love..

*Being cold in bed and pulling covers over*
*Vans shoes*
*My guitar*
*My friends n family*
*Going on holiday*
*New York*
*People who stand up for what they believe in*
*Mint Chocolate Baileys*
*Fluent Welsh speakers*
*New York*
*Johnny Depp*
*Driving on a motorway with no street lights*
*Driving with the music blasting late at night*
*Fruit Pastilles*
*A Full tank of petrol*
*When you get a text/email u werent expecting*
*McArthur Glen*
*WHAAAAAAAAAT (that shop on newport road)*
*William Beckett*
*Chips n cheese*
*People who trip while walking..then pretend it didnt happen*
*Jumpin Jaks*

What i hate..

*People brushing their teeth infront of me*
*polystirene being pulled out of a box*
*the sound of nail files ERRRRRR*
*Thinking you have more money that you do*
*Not bein able to speak welsh*
*when you put something in a safe place and can't remember..*
*Being judged*
*Being the sober amongst unhappy drunks*
*Being in the middle of an argument*
*An empty tank of petrol*
*People not replying to texts*
*People starting a text conversation..and then not texting back after the inital "how are you?" LOSERS*
*People who cut me up when im driving*


*Fall out boy*
*Plain White T's*
*Scouting for Girls*
*The Maccabees*
*Elliot Minor*
*Madina Lake*
*Linkin Park*
*Panic at the Disco*
*Steven Lynch*


*Very Annie Mary*
*Fight Club*
*The Butterfly Effect*
*The Lion King*
*Finding Nemo*
*West Side Story*
*Any Johnny Depp Film*
*High School Musical 1&2*
*Snakes on a Plane




*Deception Point - Dan Brown*
*Digital Fortress - Dan Brown*


*My Friends*

*Ruth knows exactly why she's here*

*Kay from primary school to present*

*Bethan Rees for being Bethan Rees*

*Nick Wright for being Nick Wright Nick Wright Nick Wright*

*Sam Williams for being my rock in uni*

My Blog

hello kiddies

well yes this is goin 2 b an interestin one...well.....hello children! this is my first "blog!" rnt we all excited? yes indeed well i need to "customise" this thing now so tra kiddies! xx=)xx  ...
Posted by <[Gez]> on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST