ººMaRiSaºº [S//C][WFC/WF] profile picture

ººMaRiSaºº [S//C][WFC/WF]

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

ammm hi everyone! i'm marisa i'm 17 yrz old and i believe in aliesn XD, i like to do a lot of things, i love horror movies and i'm a proud member of Skeleton Crew hell yeah!!I attempt to live by the "treat others the way you would like to be treated" rule. it seems that many people in this world choose not to live by the same standard so to put it bluntly: treat me with respect and I'll return the favor. Be an asshole and I'll stomp your face.soo if u wanna know something else feel free to ask!and if u add me u gotta talk to me...n.nhoolazzz soi marisa tngo 17 añoz i creo en loz aliens i en loz unicornios ;i pzz me wuzta hazer muxaz qozaz, amo las peliculaz de terror i zoi un orgullozo miembro de Skeleton Crewtrato de vivir qon la regla de "trata a loz demaz qomo qierez zer tratado"zi qierez zaber alwo mazz pzz pregunta XD i zi me agregaz me tienez qe qomentarr girls layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

amm frank iero, Skeleton Crew, music, family, friends, meet new ppl

I'd like to meet:

umm.. frank iero, tom, travis and mark , James Franco, Will Ferrel, Jhonny Deep, Will Smith, Tim Burton, Joaquin Phoenix, Jean Reno and everyone who likes blink 182!!!!!

i am a monster


as mark hoppus says "yes i like music..."

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lord of the rings, seven, public enemy, clockwoerk orange, final destination,swordfish, nightmare before christmas... and more...


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amm i don't know...my dad, i think , frank iero he's awesome!! i luv him!!, jhonny knoxville, randy moss, tom brady and mark hoppus

My Blog

ohh my god the Taste Of Chaos was so fuckin amazing!!!!!

hi everyone!!!! hoolaazz muxaxoz y muxaxaz jijiji ps en este blog les voy a contar komo estuvo el Taste Of Chaos... para empezar io consegui mi boleto doz dias antez del evento... y ps ia el juevesito...
Posted by ººMaRiSaºº [S//C][WFC/WF] on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:31:00 PST

my blog

Si ke si. Hey ke pex pz pa los ke no me konozen me llamo marisa. Sho akabo de hacer esta madre de myspace por ke mi prima me dijo, nel esta bien shido y pz ya ven pz sho komo ke ni le entiendo bien a ...
Posted by ººMaRiSaºº [S//C][WFC/WF] on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:06:00 PST