Anime, Music, Sword Fighting, Health, Poetry, and the common cold.
Jade, Ayumi Hamasaki, Alexander The Great, and my friends from overseas. Just so I could yell at them and give them hell. ^_^
Rock, Punk, Mellow, Christian Rock, Jazz, Classical, Techno, Trance, anything with a lot of heart to it. Asterisk, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Ayumi Hamasaki, Pulley, The Pillows.
Hate Horror. Thriller is ok. Romantic-Comedy is my favorite. I've seen enough blood and violence, but if it has a stomachable plot then OK. Pretty Woman, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Last Castle, Princess Mononoke, & Sin City.
can't stand reality or any of today's 'teenage soaps'. Kojak is the shiz.
I haven't read anything new....The Last Guardian, Timeline, and Every Young Man's Battle
My Dad, Brad Henning, Alexander the Great, Charles, David, & ISH