"I mean theres plenty of people that are like what? your how old and you still ride a skateboard what are you doing, isnt that something you do when your a kid you know, but it's like they'll never really understand it, like i could explain to them why i love it and those people will never get it, the people that ride it and get into it know exactly the feeling, like alright i know that feeling dude like get home from school and theres your board or whatever and your like yes i wanna ride it, like all day your just thinkin..I can't wait to skate."
Brutality. Something with a message. Something that makes sense. Something that isnt force fed to me by the media. Something fast and loud. Something with feeling.
skateboard movies.horror movies.oldies but goodies.cartoon movies.comedies.
Skateboard magazines. Anything by James joyce, Cormac Mcarthy, Hunter Thompson, or David Gemmell.
These two people mean the world to me, I will choose them over anyone else in a heartbeat.