the FACT profile picture

the FACT


About Me

Sleepless nights... and then those dreams again...
Nightmares and such...
Mysterious, repeating, direful Nightmares!
Why me? Why every night? And generally... What?
What, the hell... is the FACT?

Neith - protagnosit of the story, suffers under special insomnia:
Every night, she's getting haunted in her dreams by a strange creature - a bear, that awards contracts, she has to solve during the day. Unfulfilled obligations are causing to let the dreams reappear. Unwilling to live a life by performing dubious tasks, imparted to her by night, she starts a journey into her labile psyche. Together with her schizophrenic personalities, her mentally ill friends, she aims to confront the complex of her problems....
The so called "Fact" is a comic idea by "Arts of Desires". The Fact is a postmodern world of pathetic junkies and cyberounks, street live in a futuristic style, actually put the complex in another direction of things in a humorous way, yet a very very dark humour. We want our readers to feel remorsed when they laugh about the jokes.
Yet, we planned through the storyline, worked out a character description and design and an episode guide. Some of our sketches are viewable on this profile already. We're looking forward to update this page with story and character informations, and artworks of course.
Our Characters and their details will be viewable in the "Heroes" Section!
Stefan "Swamp Thing" Billy - Sketches; Drawing; Storyline; Character Design; Planning; Page Design; Head of the project;
Favorite Characters:
Female: Cyberkitty (fetish!)
Male: Nightmare
Alter Ego: The Rainman
Raimund "Raythrax" Satra - Drawing; Details; Colouring; Finishing work;
Favorite Characters:
Female: Lis
Male: Greiphen
Alter Ego: Ray Monster
Schlaflose Nächte...Und dann wieder Träume...So Alpträume...
Rätselhafte, sich wiederholende, furchtbare Alpträume!
Wieso ich? Wieso jede Nacht? Und überhaupt... Was?
Was, zum Teufel... ist die Sache?

Neith, die Protagonistin der Geschichte leidet unter Schlafstörungen der anderen Sorte:
Sie wird jede Nacht in ihren Träumen von einer merkwürdigen Gestalt heimgesucht - einem Bären, der ihr Aufträge zuteilt, die sie tagsüber lösen soll. Erfüllt sie diese nicht, wiederholt sich der Traum. Ungewillt, ein Leben damit zu verbringen, unseriöse Arbeiten zu verrichten, die ihr in der Nacht erteilt werden, macht sie sich auf eine Reise in ihre labile Psyche. Zusammen mit ihren schizophrenen Seiten, ihren geisteskranken Freunden, ist es ihr Ziel, den Ursprung der ihr zugrunde liegenden Problematik zu bekämpfen...
Die sogenannte "Sache" ist ein Comic von "Arts of Desires". Die Sache ist eine postmoderne Welt, in der Junkies, Cyberpunks und anderes armseeliges Volk sein Unwesen auf Straßen treibt. Ein böses Schicksal, welches durch die humorvolle Umsetzung in ein ganz anderes Licht gerückt wird. Ein sehr sehr schwarzer Humor. So schwarz, dass der Leser ein schlechtes Gewissen bekommen soll, wenn er über die Witze lacht...
Bisher haben wir die Storyline, Figurenbeschreibung und deren Design, so wie eine Episodenbeschreibung ausgearbeitet. Ein paar unserer Entwürfe sind bereits auf diesem Profil zu finden. Wir bemühen uns die Seite kontinuierlich upzudaten und mit neuen Informationen zur Geschichte, den Figuren und weiteren Bildern zu versorgen.
Unsere Charaktere und ihre Beschreibungen lassen sich zukünftig unter "Helden", bzw. "Heroes" abrufen!
Stefan "Swamp Thing" Billy - Skizzen; Zeichnen; Geschichte; Charakterdesign; Planung; Page Design; Hirn des Projektes ;);
Weiblich: Cyberkitty (fetish!)
Männlich: Nightmare
Alter Ego: Der Regenmann
Raimund "Raythrax" Satra - Zeichnen; Details; Colorierung; Letzter Schliff;
Weiblich: Lis
Männlich: Greiphen
Alter Ego: Ray Monster

My Interests


Name / Art / Description
Good Guys:
Neith: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Cyberkitty: Sketch / Description
Greiphen: Sketch / Description
Nightmare: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Lis: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Acid: Artwork / Description
Melon: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Atira: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Lacris: Sketch / Description
Legolas_21^AFK: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Bad Guys:
Velouce: Sketch / Description
Lucifer: Sketch / Description
Pest: Artwork (unfinished) / Description
Smash: Sketch / Description
Bash0r: Sketch / Description
Argiope: Sketch / Description
Orion: Sketch / Description
Pain: Sketch / Description
Faith: Sketch / Description
Sanchio: Sketch / Description
Fear: Sketch / Description
Beyond Good and Evil:
The Rainman: Sketch / Description
Ray Monster: tba / tba
Jamara: Sketch
Balthus: Sketch
Jaliath: Sketch
Ramiel: Sketch
The Chained: Sketch / tba
The FACT: Sketch
Face Arts:
Cyberkitty Colored

My Blog

Final Chardesigns

It's been quite a long time since the last update. But actually my assistant an I had to solve our final exams to engineer titles. And we did it. Of course we did it, because we own!Our update is a ve...
Posted by the FACT on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:28:00 PST

Neith Alternation

EngI've been thinking about a new design for our main character Neith. She needs to look naughtier and sexier.Tell us which design of Neith you prefer:GerIch hab mir erlaubt, ein neues Design für Neit...
Posted by the FACT on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 02:12:00 PST

June 11. 07 - Bad Guys Section

I've completed the Bad Guys Section with Sketches and Descriptions! Working out the Characters is almost done, only 2 more main characters are missing...
Posted by the FACT on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:41:00 PST

22.05.07 Going Insane!

As you already may imagined, we've been updating the page!New Colorworks are online. Our main picture for example ;)Also, new sketches came in, and I've been adding a plot of the story. You may now ha...
Posted by the FACT on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:48:00 PST

08.05.07 Big Update!

Hello again! We've been starting our first tries on coloured images. We've been uploading our first finished work: Melon. You can view the image in our Photo Section ("Colorworks")and under "Heroes".A...
Posted by the FACT on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:03:00 PST

23.04.07 Update: Alternation and Expansion

For no reason, I lately had this great idea, to start drawing halfway realistic faces for the FACT. Like usually, they're viewable in our heroes - section, below the "Beyond Good and Evil" Section. 3 ...
Posted by the FACT on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:04:00 PST

19.04.07 Page Update, New Artworks and Description

We've been updating the Heroes Section, filling the list with every upcoming main character, and a new category called "Beyond Good and Evil". Also, there are about 6 new sketches and many new descrip...
Posted by the FACT on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:57:00 PST

12.04.07 Bad Guys Update!

(Comment by Stefan "Swamp Thing" Billy)Hello myspace friends! haha, I hadn't worked out much for the last weeks, because I'm really busy at the moment. Also, I spent my holidays outside and celebrated...
Posted by the FACT on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:04:00 PST

03.04.07 Update

There has been a little update to our page. We added many new characters, and their descriptions, and there will be many more. You can view them in the "Heroes" Section! Hope you enjoy them!Es gab ein...
Posted by the FACT on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:49:00 PST