Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? profile picture

Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton?


About Me

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Hi and welcome! I'm an Italian girl who loves indie rock music. At the moment I'm studying languages at Universtity:English and Spanish. English is my favourite one and I'm addicted to whatever has to do with it (music,culture,books,movies) .Clearly I adore U.K. , in particular London town .Well,let's talk about me now! I'm so sweet always smiling ,I'm really an optimistic person.My behaviour seems like J.D. of "Scrubs":I'm a little bit crazy but also emotional ;) "Take it easy "is my philosophy of life 'cause I try to live with the smile upon my face. People say that I'm really cheery and I can spread my ''good vibration'' all around me. Last but not least:I love having fun with everybody 'cause it's the most important thing in my life!I can't survive without these 2 things: *Chatting with my friends. *Travelling :I'm very interested in knowing new places,people. My favourite countries are:U.K.,I adore London and Edinburgh!,Belgium,Spain and U.S.A.You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.Johnson, SamuelAs you can understand ..

My Interests

I love KIDS! I'm a babysitter and I enjoy myself lookin' after them...we play,sing,dance. I love U.K.!!!!!!!It's my favourite country. "Le persone non fanno i viaggi, sono i viaggi che fanno le persone." John SteinbeckI love very much these "tribes":SURFERSSNOW BOARDERS SKATERS

I'd like to meet:

Arctic MonkeysThe KooksDamon AlbarnB.Flowers -Killers Ben HarperMuse real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools

How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .


These are the bands that I like the most:Arctic Monkeys,The Kooks,Holloways,Blur,Muse,Oasis,Coldplay,Jeff Buckley,Ben Harper,Franz Ferdinand,The Libertines,Kaiser chiefs,Pearl Jam,Pink Floyd,Rem,Fionn Regan,Millen Colin,U2,Manic Street Preachers,Jet,Puddle of mudd,Larrikin Love,The View,Subsonica,The Good The Bad and The Queen,Jamie T , Mr Hudson and the Library,,Melody Fall,Raorlight,Green Day,The Streets,,Mojomatics,Relient ,The Shins,Klaxons,Persiana Jones,Negrita,Merci Miss Monroe,Tre allegri ragazzi morti and Elisa.... ..


I really like watching movies.


I love Scrubs 'cause when I'm watching that I spend all the time laughing!!!Grey's AnatomyHerosAnd also Family guy ( I Griffin)!Little Britain!!!!!!!


Being a Langues and Literatures student I love reading books ( magazines , poetry)Pride & Prejudice - J. Austen , The Lord of the Rings - J.R. R. Tolkien, Any human heart - W. Boyd, The last Confessions - W.Boyd, Posessions - A. Byatt, The Happy Prince - O. Wilde, The Portrait of Dorian Gray - O. Wilde, Libra - Don de Lillo, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - R. Dahl, Matilda - R. Dahl, Silk- A. Baricco, London - Will Self, Romeo & Juliet - W. Shakespeare , Le fleur du mal - Baudelaire, The crimson Petal & the White - Faber, Emotional Intelligence - Goleman, The mists of Avalon - M.Z. Bradley, White teeth - Z. Smith, Jack Frusciante è uscito del gruppo - Brizzi, The Discomfoet zone - Franzen, The New Yorkers - Schine, San Manuel Bueno , Martir - M. De Unamuno, Poema del Conde Jondo , Romancero Gitano- F. Garcia Lorca, Due di due - De Carlo, Blue Highways - .W.l.H. Moon, Un posto nel mondo - F. Volo, Guerir -D. Servan Schreiber. La sombra del Viento - Zafon


Viggo MortensenMiss you...

My Blog

Last shadows Puppets ( Review by Observer)

The search for romance has long been a concern of Alex Turner's.Over two Arctic Monkeys albums , he has noticed his absence or its false echoes.The Dutch courage of  alcopops , a lover who is a "...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:39:00 PST

The last days of Kurt Cobain, in his own words

By Ciar Byrne, Arts and Media Correspondent [Independent] Friday, 21 March 2008 He was the voice of Generation X, speaking to disaffected youth with the lyricism of grunge music. Now, 14 years after...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 01:30:00 PST

Poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for

We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:30:00 PST

If u love London u should read these books

D.Severs -18 Folgate StreetI.M.Cauley  Guide to ethnic LondonP. Ackroyd - LondraR.Porter -London,A social historyJ.White-London in the 20th Century: A City and its peopleV.S.Pritchett-London perceive...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 01:25:00 PST

Get off the bandwagon : la mia ironia sul mondo musicale

E' da un po' che pensavo di affrontare questo argomento perché più vado avanti nel vedo più mi risulta tangibile. C'è un po' di spocchia nell'ambiente musicale o mi sbaglio? Vai a un concerto/forum e ...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:00:00 PST

Io dovrei essere così , anzi tutti dovrebbero essere così

Chi si tratti del tuo gusto nel vestire, dei bisogni relazionali o di quello che fai per vivere, non permettere a nessun altro di assumerne il controllo. Definisci da sola. Ci sarà sempre qualcuno che...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:38:00 PST

Belgio.Perchè visitarlo

Allora non mi  ha pagato l'ufficio del turismo belga per scrivere questo post ma è dettato dal fatto che quasi nessuno conosce il Belgio come meta turistica e lo visita. Bene , io ci sono andata ...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:17:00 PST

Are they walrus?Lo scrittore W.Self giudica gli Oasis

Testi tratti da London.Appunti da una metropoli di Will Self   Gli Oasis possiedono un che di trascendentale. Le canzoni di Noel Gallagher , con il loro aperçu solistico , adolescenziale , s...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:45:00 PST

Feel free to be myself :la Giorgia migliore e il suo futuro.

La me che aveva vissuto quell'esperienza era la persona che mi piaceva di più,la mia preferita,quella che mi faceva stare meglio,mi faceva sentire in armonia con tutto , ed è per questo motivo che l'h...
Posted by Giorgia & busky stuff ...moving to Brighton? on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 12:21:00 PST