Montie B. Love profile picture

Montie B. Love

Open for Monkey Business

About Me

I am a gregarious character with a sometimes loud mouth but a humble soul. I can stomp the terra firma, gnaw on skulls and be home in time to feed the kitties. When I am driven, I only stop when I've dropped. When I am calm, I am like water or smoke. When I was young I nurtured my imagination and a deep desire for truth. When I became older I turned that desire into a career. I master the scientific and technical aspects of creative arts and apply them to a business model. I am not what I do, but the process is revealing. Most people who do not know me see me as things that I am not. This can be a blessing or a curse. It all depends on your perception and most people tend to assume instead of asking.

My Interests

Audio/video/electronics engineering and production; musical composition and performance; psychology(cognitive and social); design; digital imaging; photography/cinematography; physical sciences; language study and composition, neuroscience, endocrinology

I'd like to meet:

I continue to search for rational(well, most of the time because some really wonderful things are not rational), emotionally mature, funny, intelligent, humble, peaceful people. I don't care what kind of music you listen to or what you do for a living. These things have nothing to do with what I hold dearest. Among the traits I value: honesty; compassion; spiritual integrity (not religion or ritual) and a well honed intellect.


Is this high school? I don't define or identfy myself or you by musical tastes. It is a nice conversation point, but what would you REALLY learn about someone from their answers? I have a few thousand CDs and a week of continuous music on my hard drive. None of which could tell you if I'm a serial killer or your next best friend. I'm all over the board where it concerns music. I compose and play. I've performed. I've engineered, produced and mastered. Still your tastes in music are about as important to me as why you bought the tires on your car. That it moves you in some way is good enough for me.


I worked in film and video production over the years. I could go on and on about the movies I like and dislike. If you think it is smart, dark, weird or funny - I probably liked it too. It has to affect me on some emotional level. I have difficulty getting lost in the art anymore. It takes a really good movie for me to become engrossed in the story and not think how they are lighting the scene or recording the audio. I see bad compositing or hear that scream from the sound effects library that I used often and it throws me back in to reality. Sigh. Secretly, I would like to direct again. : D


Makes a nice night light. Sometimes it can be used as a painkiller. Mostly crap, but a few gems have appeared over the years. David Lynch's Twin Peaks, The Young Ones, Red Green Show, Hee Haw!, The Simpsons, The Ren and Stimpy Show, My Name is Earl, West Wing, Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot and The Dog Whisperer (I am the pack leader)...and recently added "Spaced" from the people who brought you Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz


Yes. Books. They are everywhere. Tons of magazines too. Although a real pain in the ass to move. I hold on to relevant reference and technical publications. Everything else I give away to someone that shows interest or may like the book. For the most part books pass through my life. I haven't had much interest in novels for quite a while. My imagination creates enough escapism these days.


My dad. My friends and family for being there with their love and support when even I wasn't sure I would make it.

My Blog

Firearms Safety - Part 2 (Updated May 26, 2008)

Here we go again! Spurred on by my friends and my previous "Darwin Award" blog I bring you "Firearms Safety - Part 2"Many of my friends have been asking me to put together another Firearms Safety Tra...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:29:00 PST

Which one of them should receive the Darwin Award?

Which one of them should receive the Darwin Award? Him for being such and idiot or her for marrying the moron? The real punch line is in the second to last sentence. I swear this is a real story fro...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:06:00 PST

Firearms Safety Training for Women - Interested?

Stick with me a little bit. I have a question to ask you after this story.A while back I was talking to a friend about a new weapon I had purchased - a handgun to be more specific. At first she was a...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:50:00 PST

Daddy-O-Day Care

Last evening I went out to catch a friends band in U. City. Afterwards, I decided to stop by the South City Diner to grab something to eat before going home. On my way back to my car I heard some goo...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:45:00 PST

WARNING!!! Never let this happen to you.

Never. Never. NEVER let a shot of Wild Turkey go up you nose.There are many other subjects I have been wanting to write about, but haven't had the time. I thought this was important enough that I s...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 12:40:00 PST

Just give me...

(This is a vile rant. Ignore it if you can. It is cathartic for me.)Just give me...A day where I don't wake up with a whirl of shit spinning around me. Preferably, this should happen someday before...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 10:05:00 PST

"Lunesta" vs. "Sushi/Saki Bliss" - An Non-Scientific Analysis

It is no secret that I am having difficulties with maintaining a sleep schedule of some regularity lately. In fact, I have very little resembling scheduling in my life at all. Although I have been t...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 01:10:00 PST

Montie 1 - Gravity 0 - or - Further Adventures with the Rollergirls

Two of my best friends came to stay the weekend. Cheryl and Mike brought the kitties too. Cheryl is from Chicago where she coaches and skates with the Chi-Town Sirens a roller derby team. It just s...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 02:04:00 PST

Bruised but Smiling - Montie goes Skating with the Arch Rival Rollergirls

Tonight I went to skate with the Arch Rival Rollergirls. Three of my friends are beginning to skate with the ARRGs. I thought I would help out in some way maybe even referee. I was a roller derby fan ...
Posted by Montie B. Love on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:05:00 PST