LOL! read that shit below....stoned off my tits or what?
what to say here is the problem, id tell you the same non important garbage spliced with the occasional toungue n cheek wit most people give here but then im afraid i would be following a trend and that is not my ball game, infact im not even in the same playing field, im more likely to be found stomping through the uncut nettle filled patch of waste land next to the field, creating a path no one has took before, ok so i will get pricked and cut a few times but once the path is made, it will be used by a generation of natural born followers until the nettles once again over grow the path and everyone eventaully forgets the path even existedi have a 'company' called Pumpk1n_K1ng From Hell Designs....i will make anything from band and company logos, t shirts,flyers, gig flyers, album covers, leaflets to pc wallpapers, forum signatures, avatars etc... all for no charge...INTERESTED? add me on the below address, cheers.bands i have worked with include...ADRENICIDE (still in progress) Hand of the daedra Dead End State of chaos Negative end Distorted dreams The Vendettas + more who i cant remember atm (nothing personal)...if meaningless sensless time wasting chats are the name of your game id be happy to join you........ [email protected]Profile Designed at V1.0
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