i love going clubbing n raving and staying up all nite long when the rooms spinning n u dnt know who or where u r! i lv chillin wid me crew having hyper fits!
hugh hefner cuz he is the biggest stud in the world! but id like to meet sum1 who can out smart my nuttyness and sum1 on the same level xxx
dance all the way i love clubbing i bring it home wit mexxx
date movie has to be the most funniset film that was eva made it had me in tears lmaoxxx
Big bruva, lil britain, catherine tate show!!! im a celeb xx
autobiographys cuz im nosy n jealous of sum1 life is 10 times what mine is btw all u celebs u dont break the law by not smiling x
my big bruva nik, he makes me laugh he piks me up when im down we go clubbing togeva n genrally get troted togeva, we r always happy we're on the same level. his my big bruva n my best mate xxx