About Me
a shoe.
My name is Ludwig. Captain Ludwig Riggs.
My listed sex changes every once in a while. Please don't ask me whether I'm a boy or a girl, male or female. I won't answer.
I was born a cerain amount of time ago in a place that you might have heard of. I like living creatures that are not human, and I don't burn cats. I have a black dog, and I hate butterflies.
I draw, paint, write short novels and stories, and in my free time I enjoy initiating evil schemes, watching good films, and loving beautiful people.
I usually try to be a serious person - it makes me feel almost meaningful (as rediculous as it may sound), but sometimes I start acting like a wanna-be aristocratic faggot, and then I'm nice, and smiley, and giggly, and generally cute.
I don't like them with less then 40 words in their vocabulary, or with a well-done heart and no brains, or with a pretty face with lots of fugly makeup, or with eyes full of meaning, and no real mind.
I judge them by appearance, and not because I'm shallow, but because I still believe (how old-fashioned of me), that if they're dressed stylishly, they must have taste.
I absolutely don't need this "taste", if I can get them smart, interesting, and irregular (yes, in that way too).
I find myself very attracted to men that can look like old-style queens if they really want (Le Exempelle - mr. Manson, the one that's not Charlie), and girls that look like Brian Molko.
I like it when people are beautiful, smart, absolutely immoral and, as some granny will surely define them, BAD.
I sometimes enjoy labeling myself with declaring that the things I need in human-beings are:
1. Style
2. An interesting mind
3. Intelligence
4. Beauty. My definition of Beauty.
Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets.
Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
1. I'm real. Yes ma'am, absolutely.
I am the only Ludwig Riggs, so if you see any other myspace profiles that claim to be me - tell me.
2. If you see me mentioned anywhere (various myspace profiles, forums, or any other sites) - let me know, I'm curious.
3. Hatemail is welcome anytime. Please feel free to send it and use as many curses as you wish.
I'm not lame, so you won't be reported.
4. I always like to get random comments and messages - feel free to send one if we like the same band, or movie or artist, and even if you just want to say hello. If you're interesting, I'll talk gladly.
5. Taking or using anything from this page without my permission is stealing.
1. I'm very into fashion and my favourite fashion magazine is Elle.
2. I love classic vogue style when combined with fetish or macabre elements.
3. I'm fairly interested in the 30's and 40's culture of Berlin, and in the gay culture of that era in America and Europe.
4. I love the 50's style, so as the pop-culture of that time.
5. I hate the mainstream pop of the past few years.
6. Bubblegum Pop is the best kind of pop.
7. I support abortion, eat meat and wear leather and fur.
8. I'm extremely polite, and would never ever insult someone in a lame, unsophisticated way.
9. I'm sick about half of the time.
10. I truly believe that ignorance is a bliss.
11. I think that up untill the age of nine I had some sort of retardation that faded away when I grew up.
12. I have the terrible habit of saying "fetish" and expecting people to understand exactly what sort of fetish I'm about.
13. I always had a very usual Rabbits Obsession.
14. I'm a big fan of The Joker since a very early age.
15. I don't like boring people that try too hard to seem weird.
16. I think that brother+sister/brother+brother/sister+sister relationships should be legal everywhere.
17. I'm looking forward to the day when Michael Alig will get out of jail.
18. One of the most frequent questions I ask myself is why the heck did Elliot Smith have to die.
19. Lewis Carrol's 'Through The Looking Glass' goes perfectly with Smith's "Needle In The Hay" on repeat, a glass of milk, and some sweet crackers.
20. Almost any 70's rock song can make me cry.
21. I'm disgusted by true racism, nazism, or sexism. I don't mind race/sex jokes, but when someone truly supports those "ideals" I want to burn out their eyes and put them in a wooden box to rot.
22. I should have been born a hedonist - it would have made my life and the lives of many other people much better.
23. Batman was a beautiful and intelligent graphic novel, untill the late 90's came.
24. I'm paranoic.
Vampire Freaks
His party was the Brotherhood of Brothers,
and there were more of them than of the others.
That is, they constituted that minority,
which formed the greater part of the majority.
Within the party, he was of the faction,
that was supported by the greater fraction.
And in each group, within each group, he sought
the group that could command the most support.
The final group had finally elected,
a triumvirate whom they all respected.
Now of these three, two had the final word,
because the two could overrule the third.
One of these two was relatively weak,
so one alone stood at the final peak.
He was: THE GREATER NUMBER of the pair
which formed the most part of the three that were
elected by the most of those whose boast
it was to represent the most of most
of most of most of the entire state -
or of the most of it at any rate.
He never gave himself a moment's slumber
but sought the welfare of the greatest number.
And all the people, everywhere they went,
knew to their cost exactly what it meant
to be dictated to by the majority.
But that meant nothing, - they were the minority.
[Piet Hein, 1969]
comment here
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
..'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, ..tapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more.'