Arts, media, music, provacative thaught, deviant behavior, binge use, laughter, pushing envelopes, and the sour cream/bacon combination.
A redneck wearing shell tops, an indian wearing a cowboy hat, a super cute woman with a hair lip, a white guy with the last name Washington and a female comedian who doesn't talk about being a woman.
The Beatles and the other bad ass bands from previous generations and past decades.
Ahh, i love movies.....Down for most anything, but prefer dramas, comedies, and anything shocking. Happiness, Requiem, Spun, Harold and Maude, Cohn Bros. movies, etc.
nip/tuck, Dexter, Weeds, Rome, Sopranos, South Park, MSNBC Investigates, Suze Orman & Applience Direct Info-mercials
"How to Enjoy Big Game Hunting", "How to Kill an Endangered Species (Bald Eagle and Panda Edition II)", "Disposing of Human Teeth", "Financial Planning for Sexual Predators", "How to Slowley Poison Someone Undetected", "Dimemberment for Dummies", "Fuck a Family Member and Get Away with it", "First Century Prostate Massages", "How to Make Love Like Caligula", "Nevermind Genocide: The Great Things Hitler Did", "Jesus was a Trouble Maker", "How to Passivly Ruin Someones Day". "Why All Artist Should Be Killed", "Single-file Line Of Hookers", "Home Remidies for Diembowlment", "Lifetsyle Concerns: How to smoothly Transition from Herion Addictions to Methamphetimines". "Properly Fantasizing About Cartoon Characters While Making Love to a Real Woman", Mechanics of Solo-Synchronized Analingus", "The Untold Story of Elton Johns Life As a Championship Road Warrior"
Hunter Thompson, Aleister Crowley, Roy Cohn, John Lennon, Martha Stewart, George Carlin, David Allan Coe, The Dude, The guy who invinted group sex, Bob Dylan, The guy who coined the term "Group your poop", Castration proned dictators, the chicks wishin they didn't have to strip to pay tuition, Bill Kurtis, Gil Bruvel, Bill Murray, Teri Garr of the 70's, Betty White of the 50's, Lenny Bruce, Ben Franklin