Lucifer profile picture


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana

About Me

I am a mean ill tempered little man with a huge chip on mty shoulder. I am so pissed off at the world that my eyes bleed from the pain of waking up in the morning. I am bad to animals, even worse to waitresses and i will stop and pee on your car tire instead of walking inside the store and finding the bathroom. My teeth are bad, I walk with a bad sideways limp, and i always smell like soup. I am lousy in bed with a "quick trigger" on my "baby carrot". I have to beg women to sleep with me. Sometimes pay. Rarely abduct. I try not to leave my house unless it is to throw rocks at the neighbors kids. I dont mow my lawn, i borrow things and not return them and I will flirt with your mother in front of your father while over for dinner. When i have guests over, I eat with out offering, talk on the phone while you sit quietly alone for an extended period of time and hide the toilet paper. If i am at your house i will make multipe calls to 411 for random local store numbers and not write them down. Just continuesly call 411. I will argue with you about things that i care nothing about either way just to get you pissed off. I will put a homeless pregnant single broke woman out on the street with no where to go and i will erase all the phone numbers out of your cell phone after i borrow it to call Bejing. I am like the devil, only worse because I will talk to you when needing badly to clear my throat. Forcing you to hear my words gurgle out. I fart in elevators, heckle in church and vote republican. I tare pages out of library books, do hit-n-run's in parking lots, and chew with my mouth open. One of my ears is noticable bigger than the other, I'll shake your hand after picking my nose and never return phone calls. I live off of slim-jims and hot boiled peanuts unless you're buying the meal, than it's multiple orders of the filet and plenty of drinks. Speaking of drinks, it doesn't take many for me to consider sleeping with your ugly sister. Or your ugliest sister. I'd probly do it stark-ass sober to piss you off. May photograph it too.....Oh, and i like tennis too.

My Interests

Arts, media, music, provacative thaught, deviant behavior, binge use, laughter, pushing envelopes, and the sour cream/bacon combination.

I'd like to meet:

A redneck wearing shell tops, an indian wearing a cowboy hat, a super cute woman with a hair lip, a white guy with the last name Washington and a female comedian who doesn't talk about being a woman.


The Beatles and the other bad ass bands from previous generations and past decades.


Ahh, i love movies.....Down for most anything, but prefer dramas, comedies, and anything shocking. Happiness, Requiem, Spun, Harold and Maude, Cohn Bros. movies, etc.


nip/tuck, Dexter, Weeds, Rome, Sopranos, South Park, MSNBC Investigates, Suze Orman & Applience Direct Info-mercials


"How to Enjoy Big Game Hunting", "How to Kill an Endangered Species (Bald Eagle and Panda Edition II)", "Disposing of Human Teeth", "Financial Planning for Sexual Predators", "How to Slowley Poison Someone Undetected", "Dimemberment for Dummies", "Fuck a Family Member and Get Away with it", "First Century Prostate Massages", "How to Make Love Like Caligula", "Nevermind Genocide: The Great Things Hitler Did", "Jesus was a Trouble Maker", "How to Passivly Ruin Someones Day". "Why All Artist Should Be Killed", "Single-file Line Of Hookers", "Home Remidies for Diembowlment", "Lifetsyle Concerns: How to smoothly Transition from Herion Addictions to Methamphetimines". "Properly Fantasizing About Cartoon Characters While Making Love to a Real Woman", Mechanics of Solo-Synchronized Analingus", "The Untold Story of Elton Johns Life As a Championship Road Warrior"


Hunter Thompson, Aleister Crowley, Roy Cohn, John Lennon, Martha Stewart, George Carlin, David Allan Coe, The Dude, The guy who invinted group sex, Bob Dylan, The guy who coined the term "Group your poop", Castration proned dictators, the chicks wishin they didn't have to strip to pay tuition, Bill Kurtis, Gil Bruvel, Bill Murray, Teri Garr of the 70's, Betty White of the 50's, Lenny Bruce, Ben Franklin

My Blog


Why does anyone have Tom as a friend on myspace? Does anybody here actually communicate with this guy? I am sure he is a great guy, but do does anyone chit chat with him or post pics of them and him a...
Posted by Lucifer on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 03:47:00 PST

Morning Aggression

Shine on, bitches, shine on. Flip switches bitches and move the fuck on Whats good is bad, bitches, and the rest is gone Nothing is permanent, bitches, and nothings wrong. Shine on, bitches, shi...
Posted by Lucifer on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 04:49:00 PST

Its small but its fierce!

What is it about the big dick thing? It is getting to where us sub-standard guys with weird angles on our cocks cant fuck a woman a second time. Hell, we are lucky if they dont go running giggling a...
Posted by Lucifer on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 03:28:00 PST

Bondage Orchid

Posted by Lucifer on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 07:17:00 PST

One my Favorite Ladies!!!

Posted by Lucifer on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 07:17:00 PST


Posted by Lucifer on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 07:06:00 PST

Living Tip

If you ever are missing 1 shoe out of a pair. Put the shoe you have on and walk around the house. Keep walking around untill your shoes reconnect spiritualy, leading one to the other.
Posted by Lucifer on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 06:02:00 PST


"I was really into bestiality, sadomasochism, and necrophilia, but then I realized I was just beating a dead horse."
Posted by Lucifer on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 02:09:00 PST

Purging Debris

Sometimes a good binge will help put things in perspective.Humbleing you by the realization that you have been acting juvinille about certain things. Putting you on the same disgusting leval as your i...
Posted by Lucifer on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 09:01:00 PST


Why do often to I hear being a good person associated with not doing drugs? Why must our culture vilify vices? To create a hero? Drugs, intoxicants, sex and gambling all have remained in our world fo...
Posted by Lucifer on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 10:02:00 PST