mAgLaKwAtSa, tUmUgtOG nG GiTaRa, sOundtRip, MaG-tExt, MaG-cHat, ManGutO, ManGuLanGot, tUmaE, umutOt, mkpG - awAy sa kUya kOh, kUmaiN, matuLog, tUmanGanGa, manOod nG tv, paiNitin uLo nG nanay kO, pumapak ng asin ...
TuRn On's:Basically I am a happy go lucky kind. I can enjoy with my zest and enthusiasm in life. I can bubble with excitement that can be tangible at times. And if I share same interests and hobbies then life can be great fun together. I am frank and straightforward so if you want some truthful opinion about anything or anyone goes to me. Be optimistic like me and view life as glass half full.TuRn OfF's:I am a fiercely independent and cannot tolerate restriction hence do not try to hold my back in life. Let me enjoy my freedom because if you hold any special place in my heart I will always come back for you. Do not feel irritated by the exaggeration in my speech. It may go on and on talking about certain things that may not even interest you but it is my way of trying to communicate with you. Basically I am frank and outspoken (to the point of being rude) so do not feel offended by my talks.
PuNk RoCk, HaRdCoRe, MeTaL, Rock, emOcoRe, emO...
ScHoOl Of RoCk, A WaLk tO ReMeMbEr, cOyOtE UgLy, HoW tO LoSe A gUy In tEn dAyS, CrUeL iNtEntiOnS, tHe GrUdGe 1 & 2, tHe ExOrCiSt, SwEeT nOvEmBeR, titANiC, JeEpErS CrEePeRs, Mr. & MrS. sMiTh, FinaL dEstinAtiOn 1, 2 & 3, 40 dAyS AnD 40 NiGhT's, WiMbLeDoN, tHe NoTeBoOk, tHe ExOrciSm oF eMiLy RoSe, hOusE Of wAx, ChIcKeN LiTtLe, tHe dArK, fEaR, sUkob, stay aLive, If onLy, puLse...
NaRuTo, mR. bEan, WWE, PiMp My RiDe, pUnk'd, bLiNd DaTe, tHe 5tH wheeL, jUst fOr LaugHs (gagS), FeAr FaCtOr, HBO, ameRica's next tOp mOdeL, pRoject Runway...
"WeBsTeR DicTiOnArY", "Da Vinci Code", "A B N K K B S N P L A Ko?!", "anG pabOritOng LibRo ni Hudas", "stainLess Longganisa", "aLamat nG gUbat", "Bakit BaLiktad MagbaSa nG LibRo anG mGa PiLipinO?" by bOb Ong..
batman..tazmanian Devil..
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