Laurake profile picture


Never again will I apologise for what I am.

About Me

Hello, I'm Laura.

Adventures! Snail-mail! Books! Food! Cats! Shenanigans! Maties! Dancing! Sing-a-longs! Music! Holy shit, people.
My life is actually the dog's bollocks and I love every intangible second of it.

I'd love to meet people who will take me to gigs and won't mind my dancing even though I look like a Down's child on speed when I dance. Mad props if said people would actually join in on the madness.

I play synth in a band called Medeia. We're pretty damn bad-ass and über-satanikk all that happy stuff so if you like metal, take a second to check us out.


Living in Finland doesn't automatically mean I'm an empty-headed heartagram-obsessed delinquent!

My Interests

My favourite.
I'm very fond of tea.
My piano.
My friends.
Getting letters.
Cats and squirrels.
Stupid, unfunny jokes.
Good ol' beer.
Ricky Gervais.
Live music.
Smiley people.
Easygoing people.
Friendly people.
Shy people.
Basically people who aren't arsewipes.
Music, can't stress that enough.

I'd like to meet:

Like-minded people. A Nepalese mail-order husband. I also want to meet Chuck Norris, just so I can visit his house and find out once and for all whether or not he lives in a floating volcano like Maddox insists.
Oh and RICKY GERVAIS. When this epic meeting takes place, this is how the conversation will begin:

"Hello Laura. I have admired you from afar for many years. Your wit, musicianship and understanding of my deep yet amusing nature never cease to amaze me completely."

"How wonderful. Tea?"

"Never mind tea, you're a credit to the human race."

"Then let us dance."

...And dancing shall ensue.



Currently reading "The Dice Man" by Luke Rhinehart, and it's pissing me off because Mr. Rhinehart is a complete bellend. Mostly entertaining, but stll such a bellend.


It will always be Kikkoman .
Fo evah, homebwoi.

My Blog


Made you look. Buttfuck.
Posted by Laurake on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:07:00 PST

Newfound intense hatred.

This brand spanking new hatred of mine is directed at a procedure medically known as gastroscopy.FUCK YOOOOOOOU, invasive whirring tube-monster of doom.
Posted by Laurake on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 04:37:00 PST


It are teh mixedz0r now! Nice nice.Wish I still had recordings of Keijo and Janne singing. It was breathtaking, I tell you!
Posted by Laurake on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:30:00 PST

Missing England.

Yes indeed. Damnit. The second I a) find a job and b) get my first couple of paychecks, this is what I'm a-going to do:1. Pay off as many of my stupid bollocksing debts as I can.2. Pay those other bi...
Posted by Laurake on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:35:00 PST

Bear Beer.

...My most cherished discovery since vegan mozzarella cheese, even if it's almost purely because of the comedy value in its name.I just happened to stumble across it in our local shop and when I ende...
Posted by Laurake on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:29:00 PST

Books and bean stews.

Today, after a long and excruciating wait, a fairly large cardboard package was stealthily dropped into my postbox. You know, the kind of brown package that you can't open straight away; rather you h...
Posted by Laurake on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:41:00 PST

Animal enterprise terrorism.

This seriously cannot be happening."A provide the Department of Justice the necessary authority to apprehend,prosecute, and convict individuals committing animal enterprise terror.""DEFINIT...
Posted by Laurake on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:35:00 PST

Black Bile.

Holy Mother of Jesus on a pole!BLACK BILEAll of that stuff is done by a certain Henri (vitun) Kuittinen. For once someone can actually sing when it comes to clean vocals, but he can also scream with ...
Posted by Laurake on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:33:00 PST

How cats and metal go hand in hand.

I swear to God, you can only truly be a part of the metal scene if you have a cat. Preferably two cats, but one will shove you up into the ranks of Teh Tr00 as well. I reached this conclusion yester...
Posted by Laurake on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 04:53:00 PST


Posted by Laurake on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 06:06:00 PST