Digital Bliss Studios is an audio recording studio in Ashtabula, Ohio. We are here for all of your professional recording, mastering and sound production needs. Both commercial and musician work is welcome. We are fully educated and certified and have several years of experience in the independent music industry. We offer a wide range of services including tracking, mixing, and mastering. We have worked on commercials, bands, and everything in between.
Our introductory rate for band and musician work is $40 dollars an hour. Our rates for commercial work varies depending on complexity. Package deals are available for 3 song demos and 6 song EP's including manufactured CD's with color print on disc (no inserts) in jewel for pricing or check out our website.
Please feel free to call with any questions you may have and we're always available for private tours free of charge. We can be reached at
[email protected] or call 1-440-998-5354 (direct studio line...leave message) for further information. We look forward to hearing the talent northeast Ohio has to offer.
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