good reads, trendy magazines, great food, fine wine, cheap vodka, incredible restuarants, the east village, americorps, all kinds of movies and music, shoes, and dancing freely in heels.
I'm becoming more and more a fan of nice people.
Both Monroe and Warhol.
In puplic I have very good taste in music. I can have conversations about little known bands and singles yet to be released. However, privately, I have horrible taste in music. Kelly Clarkson, Nickleback, etc. It's horribly embarrassing.
I like good music. I like grungy rockstars. I like lyrics that are funny/clever/witty/sad/happy and strange. I like guitar solos and sing along rock ballads. I'm not good with 'hip' music. I am good with dancing to anything.
I like a good story told well. Or even not well, as long as the story is good. And The Goonies.
...whatever, I watch too much TV.
House of Sand and Fog, Confessions of a Wallflower, Fight Club, High Fidelity, Gone with the Wind, the Bell Jar, Object Lessons, L.A. Confidential, Shakespeare, Lady Chatterly's Lover, Valley of the Dolls, Little House of the Praire books, Memoirs of a Geisha, White Oleander,The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, White Teeth, The Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius, East of Eden etc., etc.
my parents.