alphabetical orders, arnis, art, asics, black coffee, clutchness, coffee crisps, criticizing, dancing, docs, ethical hedonism, epistemology, filesharing, federer, fonts, gadgets, grammar, irony, manhattens, medicine as a metaphysical construct, museums, Nintendo, novelty, pr0n, politics, pontificating, purple chinkies, puzzles, reading, semiotics, sour skittles, sketching, style, tennis, traveling, wine, world domination
Well, I met Alessandra Ambrosio at Miami's Nobu, and Eleanor from the Furnaces in Toronto . . . let's not get too greedy now.
Currently listening - Herbert - Scale | Favs - Aphrodite, Arcade Fire, Beatles, break beats, | DJ Shadow, Yas |, Fiery Furnaces, Herbert, J-Live, Junior Boys, Miles Davis, Mozart, Sigur Ros, Talib Kweli
Battle Royale, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Cube, Event Horizon, Infernal Affairs, Kill Bill, Kubrick, Lock Stock, LOTR, The Matrix, Memento, Pulp Fiction, Reality Bites, Sex With Lucia, The Shape of Things, Trainspotting, The Usual Suspects
24, Arrested Development, The Office
Currently reading - Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude | Favs - Calvin and Hobbes, Design mags, Douglas Coupland, Edward Gorey, Italo Calvino, Haruka Murakami, Jean Baudrillard, Kahlil Gibran, Milan Kundera