The Underdogs began around the beginning of May 2005. Since then we have been unleashing much of what we consider to be music we like. I guess you'd really have to decide for yourself, but I tink mon that every band pretty much says that same line... We are a Christian band, as quoted from an article written about us, we "explore the more perilous trappings of youth/and or saving graces of Christianity", yet we "keep it light and absurd." Very true, we sing about God, and we also sing about double chins, and our good friend David Kunsman. We like crowds who get into music as if it were a large pool of free good feelings, but then again...what band doesn't? Frank has some of the most veiny arms you've ever seen. Mine are sort of too, but you know mine are like inlets to his rivers, and he bears a strong resemblance to Bruce Lee. Anyway, the band...right...did you know that we have a scarecrow? He shows up at shows every now and then, when he's feeling okay. Andrew rescued him from a local youth center "garage sale" type event. If you ever run into us, please say hello in a heavy British accent...This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
Clip show of a few performances to "Dirt".. width="425" height="350" ..Underdogs at Cornerstone last year!! ZEBRA