Nintendo, SuicideGirls, Piercings, Tattoos, HelloKitty, Bows, Music, Friends, and your mother♥♥I MISS THEONA!!!!!!!!!!
CKY- Silverstein- UniversityAvenue- Bayside- Him- NormaJean- Stutterfly- MiserySignals- T.I.- City&Colour- DashboardConfessional- PoisonTheWell- Techno/Trance- AlexisOnFire- Kitty- Blink182- EnterShikari- BoxcarRacer
the Goonies , HarryPotter, DonnieDarko, POTC and Rocky Horror,WhiteOleander
all the people who have been there for me...♥...Twigg&Zui and TourettesGuy