DELETED: THE GAME - Episode 5 - WATCH + PLAY - kewego
DELETED: THE GAME is a web TV show that promises to blur the lines between fantasy and reality by drawing viewers into an interactive game. The show revolves around Tyler who is struggling to piece together her life after a traumatic incident left her with a memory failure condition. Tyler develops a system to cope, recording important facts she uncovers in a chain of video logs. During the show's first season, she finds herself embroiled in a conspiracy. Finding herself overwhelmed, Tyler seeks help from her online friends. The producers have hidden a trail of clues in each episode, all over the internet and selected real locations, setting up a massive search for clues. For their participation, viewers earn points towards prizes including an all-expenses paid trip to meet the cast at the end of the season.
Keywords: web series deleted the game ryan gielen shawn parsons elia monte-brown david rudd alternate reality game gen247 wwwdeletedthegamecom charlene miller brian seibert Video from deletedthegame