Professional advice and helping people setting there goals.
A woman that expresses herself with nothing to hide and takes charge of the moment. She can tell me her needs.... and I will return them with ease. One who can take me to another level with whatever that might be. It's ok if she has some dirt, I can deal with it. And in the same respect like me for who I am and not what I do... One that cries from what's inside... not for what she can't have. She should be able to talk about the past as I listen to her every word. She should be my equal not my divider and push me foward in all that I do. One who can look at other girls and say, lets take her home tonight" LoL (really just kidding just riding with what I was saying). One who says DAMMM THAT PIZZA is small" Hey, I'm from New York I didn't have a Sushi Bar down the street!! Im looking for a girl that has the 5 levels that I need (You can ask me to elaborate). I want a girl that can pick up a power tool and ask me do you need a hammer for that? One who can change a spark plug an know which racht size she needs.... "Well I can dream, cant I!! Am I asking for too much??? Or is this girl in the mall selling shoes? My girl should be proud to be with me and can stand up and say "that's my man, you have a problem with him?"
Well that's my short movie hope you are out there cause here I am!!
I like love songs. Puts me on the other side of things!
Like deep ones with twists and turns and who done its, who sleeping with who, copurt issues!!
Just when I'm needed to solve a problem!!! Make sure there is milk and cookies!!
How to be successful!