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About Me

First, let me say, that I am madly in love with JESUS CHRIST, whose unconditional LOVE is more real to me than the air that I breath and the ground that I walk on. HE is my life--because HE lives I live, and without HIM, I am nothing (this segment of the profile is called "about me"-- but I really can not tell you too much "about me" without first talking about JESUS, because my identity is hidden in HIM-- it is no longer I who live, but Christ, Jesus who lives in me.) When I was first born I went 14 minutes without a heartbeat, but JESUS saved my life. In the first few years of my life, I was close to death due to severe illness, but again Jesus saved my life. He is the reason I exist, and I owe all that I have to HIM-- I want to use the life that HE has given me for HIS glory, and to connect with all of those from every nation, tribe, tongue, and generation, who share with me this common identity--an identity that is hidden in Christ. I have two wonderful parents, who pastor a church in Atlanta, Georgia, where I lead the worship. My parents are an inspiration to me in everything, and I have learned more from them than they know. My girlfriend, Dorareg, is also the daughter of a pastor, and she lives in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is a blessing--I have known her for over four years. I play the piano-- I love music with a passion. I also love linguistics. Right now I speak fluent Spanish, and I am learning Italian. Soon, I want with all of my heart to learn Tagalog, the language of the Philippines. One day, my prayer is to minister around the world.

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Olympics Medal Tracker

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I'd like to meet:

As I stated above, I want to meet anyone who shares with me this common identity--an identity that is hidden in Jesus Christ, the identity of a NEW Creature in CHRIST.. those who have been born of HIM, whose heart pumps HIS blood. JESUS took away our nature of sin and gave us HIS nature of righteousness and we are new creatures!! Our hearts pump HIS blood--JESUS said in John 17:20-21 that if we believe in HIS name, we are one just as He is one with the Father. Ephesians 3:14-15 says that the whole family in Heaven and Earth is named for JESUS--if you have believed in HIM, then YOU are part of our family!! Ephesians 2:13 says that in Christ JESUS we who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. If you have not believed in HIM or his profound love for you, let your guard down today and recieve HIS love for you, no matter who you are or what you have done.. Believe in HIS name and let HIS blood bring you out of isolation and alienation, drawing you into HIS abundant life, and making you part of OUR family.. JUST believe on HIM, that is ALL you have to do-- HE loves you so much, and HE is waiting for you with HIS arms open, just as the Father waited for the prodigal son! JESUS wants you to know that you DO belong, no matter who you are or what you have done, not beacuse of anything you can do, but because of the value of the blood that HE paid for your salvation!... If you our thinking about joining our family, do it! JESUS is waiting for you with open arms, and so are we!!
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