I love reading and writing mostly. I also love to kayake and cycle. We visit Martha's Vineyard every summer. MV is one of my very favorite places.
I'd like to meet someone who inspires me to be greater just by their example. Just think if we all did that what a truly terrific world we could build. Everyone aspiring to reach higher and higher truth within themselves and modelling themselves after someone who's already a master. I'd like to think when my time is done here, I made a difference in at least one person's life by my example. I recently wrote down my values and have vowed to keep my life in alignment with them. First and foremost is honesty. I must be honest in my endeavors. Conversely, that means I do not support dishonesty. You get the idea. I'm becoming my own model of behavior and searching for others who challenge me to dig deeper and be more. I want more life and I'm asking for the universe (my source and substance) to supply it to me. As Rev. Sam says, 'it isn't breathing that determines whether you are living or not.' I have to find the courage to stand in the brutal honesty of the life I have created. I'm about to empty my thoughts into the sacred empty space and see if I can emerge a hero in my own life. I'll let you know how it goes. For now, I've got a lot to learn.
Please stop by and show your love for this magnificent human being.
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Gosh, I have lots of musical interests. You know, Carly Simon, James Taylor, The Who, Ben Taylor, Rob Thomas, Marc Broussard, Antigone Rising, Dave Matthews Band. . . the list just goes on and on!
One of my favorite movies is "When Mars Attacks". I LOVE it when their heads explode! I also loved "Frequency". The Chronicles of Nardia and Proof. Again, there's so many!
Supernatural, House and Law and Order - Criminal Intent cuz Chris Noth is back on. Did I mention Supernatural? That is one scary show! I love it!
DaVinci Code; Conversations with God 1, 2, and 3; Any book written by Nelson DeMille, but my all time favorite is the Talbot Odyssey (scared me to death!); Charm School; Spencerville; Tolstoy; The Science of Mind; The Poet; etc, etc, etc.
My son is my hero. He's known what he's wanted from a very young age and has just kept pursuing his dream. I couldn't be prouder of him. JT ROCKS