Surfing, Biking, Blading, Skiing (learning to Snowboard), Hiking, Gym & Reading by Day. Music, Friends, a drink or three, movies and general carousing by Night. Travel all the time, any time!
U2, Sting, Robbie Williams, Seal, Marley, oh man, this is going to take forever. Wide, wide range of music. Ah, if you really want to know just ask :-)
The Godfather(s), Big Wednesday, Gallipoli, Legends of the Fall, Shawshank Redemption, It's a Wonderful Life, Lawrence of Arabia, Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars Sextology(?), Indiana Jones(s), Bridge Over the River Kwai, Sand Pebbles, Last of the Mohicans, Finding Forrester, Old Bonds (Connery and some Moore), Saving Private Ryan, Good Will Hunting, Braveheart, The Red Violin and the list goes on...I love movies
Don't watch much TV and when I do it is usually movie channels. Right now...Apprentice and some mindless shows that let me relax and not have to think. That covers most of TV though, doesn't it?!
Authors: Uris, Hemmingway, Rice, King, Clancey, Dickens, London, Griffin
Those who at great personal risk stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Those who risk everything for others they hardly know or have never met because they know it is the right thing to do. Guys like the City of NY firemen who run up into burning towers when all the smart people are running out.