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About Me

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My Interests

well i generally like bein a bum and layin around, but apart from that i like goin to parties, well raves, woteva u like. I playin my DS, although am fast gettin angry with somethin i cant complete. Oh and its very typical but i love shopping, i mean not just for clothes, for anything! Wot can i say must be more shallow than a rock pool. neva mind

I'd like to meet:

Seth Green, so i can ravish him hahah erm.... Gordon Ramsey! johnny depp(worlds best actor) the man can adapt to any part!!!! Vanessa felts(she just keeps comin back)haha Stev Irwin(R.I.P) great man did alot for the world and will be sadly missed, Twiggy Mariyln Monroe Paris Hilton(to tell her what a LOSER she is)!


The Strokes and that kinda stuff!, like some hardstyle, happy hardcore! in love with the free party scene as it opens alot of doors one could say variety really woteva in the mood for!


look whos talking, fear and loathing in las vegas, the mommy market, wedding singer, beetlejuice, Adams Family, lost boys, Pulp Fiction!, jurassic park and VIDEODROME thats some weird shit!hahah Oh and oh course RAINBOW BRITE WHOAAAA!


UK food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rick stein, delia the lot!hahaha, Sugar rush, peep show , simpsons , South park, That 70's Show, monkey dust, scrubs!


erm.....its a shame i dont read as much as i should last thing was gordon ramseys new book, which was good, it made me love him even more


RAINBOW BRITE oh course, Clarissa(explains it all) No doubt (back in the day) Twiggy Marilyn Monroe