12DnAHelix profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Hello there friend, my name is Daniel, thanks for visiting this 'MySpace' outreach page for Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012. UE | NC: 2012 was conceived of beginning in 1995, it's goal is nothing more than the transformation of our entire developed level of civilization.
Here are three of my favorite "self scribed" quotes:
""Whenever the focus of two or more individuals is combined, being centrally focused through their hearts with crystal clear intention; a higher and wider harmonic overtone level / octave of creative energy with manifesting capability is formed.""
""Creative or manifestative energy follows our thought forms; or our thought forms serve as the shaping factor of the energy we use to bring to ourself that which we desire to unfold along our lives path.
It is possible for an individual human being to utilize their perceptual field & thought forms in a manner that can affect both what is created and what becomes manifest.
How we focus our energy through the thoughts we form goes a long way towards determining that which we bring into our lives and how they unfold""

"It is said that hindsight is 20/20, not often enough is it considered that pre-cognitive foreknowledge can be crystal clear beforehand"
I guess I am somewhat of a visionary, or at least thought I was when I was a bit younger. I still hold hope for the future, and that our civilization will be able to transition from it's dillapidated state into the 'neo-civilization' I have always envisioned - without the world war III scenario.
I have been on and offline since about 1998. I just recently got back online March 2007 after having been offline since about April 2004.
I am shy and introverted, I don't have alot of friends in the real world. I believe in goodness and the potential that exists within each of us.
You all can think that I am crazy, but in 1995 a UFO flew directly over my head and I was given what I call "The 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala'. I have been holding this image for 12 years now. See my pics.
I still don't have any answers, was the craft that flew over me & gave me an 'Israeli?' symbolic image really extraterrestrial in origins - or have I simply been an unwitting pawn in a US-Govt / Israeli Alien MK Psy-Ops agenda. I wish I knew.
Maybe people on this planet are just about ready to hear what I have to say. It's a long story, from time to time I will start posting information on this blog about it.
The reason why I set up this profile, was in the hopes that once and for all - my work can begin on this world. I am not looking for fame or personal fortune, I am looking to see this planets civilization reach it's pinnacle of development.
I have been trying to raise capital and gain financial backing since 1998, to no avail. I guess you can call me a 'Failed Visionary'.
I have components that I feel are necessary to find resolutions for humanity on this planet during these times.
I am seeking financial backing of $150,000,000.00 for major motion picture financing and to create a foundation for omni-dimensional science & spirituality. See 'My Pics' for a mind map done in 1997.
Please ChipIn! via a secure paypal donation and help me with my efforts. Time is running out on this planet !
I have already tried to gain financing through the British Mint, I spoke over the telephone with Paul Nader, Phd on Sept. 14, 2001. It was a very short conversation, and I guess not the best time to ask for $150 million dollars.
He seemed frightened by the prospects of what I had in mind, or by me. Interestingly, I heard from them on September 8, 2001 ... for real. This was after initially writing numerous emails to them in early 2001.
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2001 14:56:30 -0700
From: "BRITISH MINT" [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Motion Picture, Entertainment And Music
Industry Financing/BM
Dear Mr. Daniel Xxxx,
Thank you for your kind e-mail and congratulations on choosing British Capital Group a wholly owned subsidiary of British Mint's World-Wide Financial Services, an exclusive affiliate of the
"Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Investment Managers Association"
There are many great reasons to be with us.
Using the unlimited funds from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) investment managers, and other oil producing countries, we offer our customers a range of quality products and services unmatched in the financial services industry.
We serve a broader spectrum of customers, in more places and by moremeans of access and delivery, than any other financial organization.
British Mint is an international conglomerate with offices and contacts all over the world. It is staffed by a professional teamo f the world's top lawyers, financiers and accountants with a wealth of knowledge and experience both in their respective profession, and specifically in the world wide financing, venture capital and offshore industry.
This combination of offices and expertise enables British Mint International Group to provide an exceptional portfolio of quality services to a global client base.
It is fascinating to see such a large gathering of professionals working toward the same goal: --success-- because they know that they will not have a second chance to make the first impression.
Consequently we have chosen Paul Nader PH.D. as your personal account executive. Dr. Nader is an Economist graduated from Ecole Normale Sup?eure and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration of France. He provided economic forecasts to world-wide corporations, saving many of them from bankruptcy.
Dr. Nader is truly an outstanding representative of business and academia. His experience and knowledge will be invaluable in helping guide you and your company financially and strategically into a new century. His excellent knowledge coupled with his outstanding presentation skills allow him to clearly and precisely explain you our
--World-Wide Motion Picture, Entertainmeent And Music Industry Financing Programs-- Dr. Nader is editor of world best selling book titled: --How Money Becomes Wealth-- Please contact Dr. Nader via e-mail at: [email protected]
Explain him the full particulars of your situation and what you wish to accomplish. He will review your situation very carefully and offer you a custom fitted solution. Regardless how demanding the requests could be, I am sure he will put a big smile on your face at the end of the task.
I thank you in advance and look forward to a long and fruitful business relationship, and I hope your business relation with Dr. Nader will be a long lasting one.
John McRoberts Ph.D.

British Petro /Rothschild Financial Group
I also tried to get through to Lord Jacob Rothschild - who's family financed the creation of the modern / false state of Israel. I was pretty upset, and I still feel like I deserve some answers. You can check out my blog post, "The Fall of the House of Rothschild" to see a letter I sent to Jacob.
Here are the movies I want to see created:
Leon Maurer - Solarworld/Uniworld Chronicles
Be sure to check out the rest of his site. He is an elderly jewish man in his 80s who is a genius and a visionary.
This is from Leon, either 2003 or 2004: We Want the Uniworld Solarworld Chronicles - what this world becomes after the good overtakes evil.
Hi Dan,
It was good to hear from you again.
I'm still in the same place with the Uniworld-Solarworld Chronicles, and have kinda given up any idea that it might be produced (at least by me) -- since the idea is over 25 years old and the world has changed a lot since then. Last year an old friend and colleague in Hollywood thought he might try to bring it up to date and rewrite the treatment to reflect today's perceptions -- but gave up since the job was too big for him.
I also don't think the original idea would fly these days, since the whole concept originally was to try and forestall what is happening in the world today -- politically, economically and militarily -- since 911.
And, the kind of futuristic doomsday science fiction they are flooding us with today, makes my idea, which would have been unique in the 70's, 80's and 90's, look like just another Sci-fi entertainment package -- which was not what I intended originally.
Besides, I began thinking this year, when I missed my final startup deadline; What's the use of making a movie about changing the direction the world is going, when it might blow itself up, or Pole Shift before the movie gets finished? :-)
The same applies to my 3-D concept, which, incidentally, is much different from the Russian holography system. To develop my ImagiVision system would require the budget of a big picture like the proposed Chronicles to justify the research cost and the construction of the various theatrical modifications needed to use existing theaters for mass distribution.
It would also require every household to beequipped with a digital HDTV-DVD system that could be reprogrammed electronically for 3-D viewing.
Don't think I have much interest or time left to handle all that R & D. Besides, the only thing I needed that invention developed for was to prove my ABC theory.
Today, I just work on that just for the fun of it, am collaborating on a book with another scientist, and couldn't care less whether it's proven or not.
Someday, science will look back and say I was right all along. Big deal. Lot good that will do me after I'm gone. :-)
That's what comes from always being 20-30 years ahead of the times. (But, not so good when you get to be post 75 or so :-)
But, the basic idea of Uniworld Solarworld Chronicles is still a good one, and if anyone young enough, and with the right motivation and skills wants to come into it, take over its direction and management, and do the work to bring it up to date and organize its production and distribution that can fund its ultimate spin-offs of Uniworld City, Uniworld Institute, etc. as well develop its inventions -- I'm wide open togive them (I assume there would have to be more than one such person) a hand, and let then run with it as far as they can.
In the meantime, I expect I'll just keep on hanging out on the Internet (or in Strawberry Fields) discussing philosophy, theosophy, science, and my theory of ABC with anyone who want's to rap about it -- or jamming with my Musicane along with any musicians who happen to show up.
Best regards,

My Interests

The truth underlying all sacred mystery school teachings, mythological worldviews, and god based reality structures - that being 'the stellar ancestry of the human species'.

Scientific Pantheism + Acceptance of Extraterrestrial Involvement in Humanity's State of Affairs = My World View

Here are two efforts I support:


Please also see:
Earth Design Synergy

I'd like to meet:

An Alien, asian females, anyone who wants to talk about my projects, people who believe in a better future for our children - those who would like to see our entire civilization enter a phase of what I call: "Post Trans-Industrialization" .. without 97% of the population being wiped off the face of the planet.

I am also looking to reconnect with people I may have been in communication with in the past, or anyone who has information and understanding of UFO technology & is working towards a better future world.

I am also seeking to meet people who recognize what I am holding onto with my vision, writings, and other component pieces I have collated - and would like to help in financing ... or anyone who wants to talk about real and true experiences with 'hyper-intelligence'.

Please visit my other profile here:



Trance / Alternative / Hip Hop / The Music of the Spheres


Contact, The Day After Tomorrow, The Last Starfigther, Stargate: The Movie, ET


The News, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Jericho, not much else.


I prefer to review the information embedded inside of holographic storage modules that exist at the quantum levels of our dna.

There is a story in there of great complexity, simplicity, and beauty ...

One that spans across many different star systems and involves a multiple universal cosmological model of embryogenesis


Pharaoh Akhenaten, The Golden One: King Tutankhamen, Leon Maurer, Gene Roddenberry

My Blog

A One World Federation Government

Note: My posting of this information is no way an endorsement for this effort.  I do not support this version of a Potential "Global Governing Overstructure".  I have been holding onto this ...
Posted by 12DnAHelix on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:18:00 PST

The Fall of the House of Rothschild

    This is a dream that I had in about July or August of 2003, it was posted on Rumor Mill News: Sunday,  October 19, 2003.   It was also included in the letter that was...
Posted by 12DnAHelix on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:41:00 PST

1995 Direct Overhead Flyover

        I am posting a description of my initial direct overhead flyover by a craft that did not conform to known aviational performance / flight dynamic characteris...
Posted by 12DnAHelix on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:57:00 PST

Get Your Free Gram of Gold Today !

===================================My New Family Friendly Webcam Resources Sitewww.camwealth.com===================================Bull ionVault - the most cost effective, safe and simple way of buying...
Posted by 12DnAHelix on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:18:00 PST