I'M A WONDERFUL SECRETE! ONE I CHOOSE NOT TO TELL, BUT TO MAKE YOU WORK AT.... TO KNOW!I'm mysterious, kind, loving and brutaly honest. I believe in telling it like it is, rather then what I would like it to be. I believe in being who I am 100% of the time. I hate lies and those who tell them. I'm a strong protector of my children and those I love. I practice witchcraft with "no shame" upon myself and pratice other forms of divination. I am strong willed, stubborn (as I've been told) and very loyal and devoted by nature and by heart. My magic is "white" but I have no problems befriending someone who practices "black". I hold no prejudice against those who practice the darkside and I respect it.......and I ask all those who befriend me, to respect my choice as well. All are welcome to my page, so "HARME YE NONE' DO WHAT YE WILL......... SO MOTE BE"
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