nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) profile picture

nina (minus the pinta and santa maria)

it's the time to stop

About Me

i could rewrite this 10 times over and you still wouldn't know me until you met me. i'm not a comic, but my friends always seem to laugh at my jokes. i'm not the music buff, but i still love all kinds of music. i'm not the life of the party, but i still know how to have a good time. i love fashion, but i don't claim to be the best dressed. i love love love tattoos, and i still envy everyone else's ink. my friends are my life, and i take my family for granted way too much. i still can't decide what i want to do with my life, and i'm 25. is that old? or is that young? do i buckle down? or do i let things come as they will. live life like there's no tomorrow? or hope it'll get better later? questions rattle my brain on a daily basis, but all i want to do is have fun. this is me, or at least a small glimpse.

My Interests

spur of the moment tattoos that mean everything, long conversations about absolutely nothing, warm summer nights, white sandy beaches, blockbuster hits and misses, loud pointless music, cleaning when the feeling strikes, reading in the park, museum walks, strolls through the park in the dead of the night, post-its and to-do lists, sleeping all day, cheap thrills, staring off into space, staring at the stars, cold quiet rooftops, walking with nowhere to go, giving shoes and clothes a loving home.

I'd like to meet:

anyone worth the time of day. (but for those of you that think you are worth it, realize that sometimes you're not.)


motion city soundtrack, eve 6, everclear, green day, maroon 5, blink 182, beach boys, bif naked, no doubt, (and gwen), foo fighters, alanis, avril, the cranberries, three days grace, system of a down, red hot, chili peppers, lit, garbage, marilyn manson, early oasis, gallows, food for animals, the sleeping, i am the avalanche, emanuel, coconut records, schoolyard heroes, pierce the veil, mf doom, gallows, M.I.A.


boondock saints, lock stock and two smoking barrels, the 5th element, empire records, oceans 11, the devil's advocate, dirty dancing, sin city, die hard (all of them), crash, the incredibles, queen of the damned, overboard, big trouble in little china, corpse bride, lord of the rings two towers, harry potter, kill bill, grease, star wars, x-men, sweeny todd, family guy movie, chumscrubber, hitchhikers guide to the universe, 300, star wars, brick, chumscrubber


weeds, house, dog the bounty hunter, simpsons, family guy, futurama, south park, robot chicken


a dirty job, the harry potters, da vinci code, the notebook, luncheonette, memoirs of a geisha, interview with a vampire, kitchen confidential, the probable future, queen of the damned, the vampire lestat, a cooks tour, lamb, the gospal according to biff.


those that love to live life the way they want to live it.

My Blog


    life throws u some serious fucked up shit sometimes i guess. oh well. just be strong. and just movin on.... 
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:16:00 PST

more more more

i think i need more friends. no. i know i need them. hah. or maybe i just want more. bah. i should just go out more. yess.... party party. who want's to go?
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:47:00 PST


it was definately a beautiful day today. and an eventful one at that.  woke up. walked out the door to a bright shining sun. then decided while on the train into the city that i felt like somethi...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:44:00 PST

run over

cold shivers run down my back.darkness invades my every corner.a small light shines in front of me.a blinking line moves across the and white. no cold. so dark.blank faces stare th...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:35:00 PST


finally got some myspacing done. been a while guys. been quite a while. posted some comments that'll probably never get answered. wrote a lil message or two. checked out what's going on in some other ...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:45:00 PST

a split second and a moment

what the fuck. fuck feeling this way. fuck life. i wish it was all that simple sometimes. most times really. to just let go. let go of the emotion that comes with living. i hate it. i do so well somet...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:57:00 PST

more stupid randomness.

i want to see you smile. smile once and my heart flutters. smile twice and my heart soars.  that grin makes me laugh. so make me laugh until i can't laugh anymore.  sustain it. don't break i...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:16:00 PST

pot driven madness.

roads diverge, move and meld.  where one path ends another one begins. or so they say.  don't lose track of that lifelong trail.  tho the footsteps are faint and the turns are treachero...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 08:09:00 PST

finally complete

i'm done. yess.. i'm finally complete. got my tattoo filled in. such happiness and fullfillment. and now for the next...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:34:00 PST


so i got a new job. yesss!!!!! hehe. i'm so excited. working at bloomingdales. over in soho. in the denim department. on the 5th floor. come visit me!!! k. that's it. all the exciting news for the da...
Posted by nina (minus the pinta and santa maria) on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 06:44:00 PST