'there are hills and mountains between us. ...always something to get over. needless to say, it.s a wonderful day. i just noticed how nice it was to know ya.' .gnarls
i am the dove of hope.
'and this time will be bigger and brighter than we knew it. just watch me fly, we all know i can do it.' .norma desmond
'a true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders.' .neale donald walsch
what do you want him to be? a choreographer?
'if you don.t like me, i.m gonna make you hate me.' .margaret cho
roger --
a dance involving little to no clothing
.just your run of the mill choreographer/ creative genius here.
'what.s happened has happened what.s comin. is already on it.s way with a role for me to play.' . fiona apple .
'hard not to be so hard on myself, but i gotta learn to keep m.m.m.my mind in check.
i listen to my friends when they say, .it.s destiny.it.s meant to be this way.
i found they.re right and now i see, that all this time... and i had the key.
so now i.m on a roll, i got nothing but luck, with a spring in my step as i strut down the block.
i see the boys stare and i see the boys stare and i see the boys stare and i hear them talk.' .viga.
in the end, we are the creators of our own happiness, and there's no need in complaining if we aren't actively changing this world with our dreams. transforming the illusory nightmare of fear... laughing in its face and creating the joy-sphere of our happy waking daydreams.
sunshine and orange balloons, pink cakes and first kisses.
moonlight on the ocean.
'one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.' .plato.
'look lois, the two symbols of the republican party: an elephant, and a big fat white guy who is threatened by change.' peter.griffin.