-13ad-Luck-13en- profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

WHAT THE F*CK!! it's how i do...______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
i REALLY don't like fake people or liars, they tend to piss me off. i like to brush my teeth while driving, i am great to be arround probably because im fun,a wannabe redneck with out the hick side of it, i love being out side and skating,or working on my bikes. i miss the mountains and snowboarding but surfing is doing a great job of filling that void..i live to love and i try to stay happy .. so yeah. im fun. so lets go cause trouble...THEDEADCITYPSALM hit me up on aim. -13adluck13en

My Interests

music, my dog and others dog(s), rollerblading..most "extreme sports", being outside as long as im not burning in the sun,"tonights your last chance to do excatly what you want to do" - underoath if it aint steel it aint real -fabkevin.

I'd like to meet:

i got a chic man.. leave me aloooone buuuuut. as a nice little side note... i like dark hair green eyes fun witty playful and girls with a beautiful inside. the inside is more important than looks, looks are just mearly toppings on the sunday. smiles are good too As we wait here for a sign we are greeted by the end of time, these aren't streets paved with gold, you are my everything, my soul is growing cold - zao
You're Snake Eyes, the silent, mysterious commando
of the Joe Team. Few know your true background,
and there are some things in that which would
make any other man squeamish. You're the alpha
male of the comic book series, and Scarlett's
love interest... lucky dog.


uhuu im a metal kid. no not that beat down crap i like REAL metal.. power and epic metal..and other "unmetal" stuff too..my music taste go's as deep as the blues.. ....m/(-_-)


really i like the adventerious movies the most, but also comedys and actions...so yeah im typical in that aspect :/...kevin smith flicks are awesome. and im a starwars geek..don't think thats cool? WELL PISS ON YOU cause im rad. and so is freakin starwars.


TLC, Discovery, cartoons, the sience thing.. i love to learn and i get my learn on when i get my TV on.. who ever said TV isn't informative was a moron and stooooooopid. ha. score one for the little guys or something.. ya heard?


reading sucks.


my mother is my hero. she did what no normal person can do. SHE RAISED ME HAHAHAHA

My Blog

girlfriend application!

guys need not apply.. hints the name "GIRLFRIEND APPLICATION." Name: Age: Location: Height: Hair (color and style): Eyes: Piercings/tattoos: OTHER: 1. Where would we go on dates? 2. Who are three of...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

yet another survey... enjoooooy

this is what i do when im bored Your Favorite... 1. gum: whatever jess has cause im to poor to buy some. :| 2. restaurant: oooo anywhere that vegans wont go. 3. drink: all kind...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

50 questions all about me. enjoy.

50 Questions Erase my answers & put in your own. 1. What is your full name? Benjamin Arthur Dilmore 2. What color of underwear are you wearing now? none. ;x (it's sleepy time) 3. What ...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Whats your name? What is your age? How do you know me? Have we ever kissed? Have we ever held hands? How often do we talk? Do you think we will ever date? What do yo...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

even more for you to know about me.

ALL ABOUT YOU: Name: Benjamin Dilmore Nickname(s): ben-jamin , fatty , scooter, jackson, lil b, ass hole Date of birth: feb 26th 1981 :| Birthplace: watkins glen NY Hometown: i guppose greenvil...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i hate my life... seriously i do :|

so tonight was supposed to be a great night, me and some friends out riding bikes like we use to back when we all took bmx seriously.. so we rode had some fun and then on the way home for me my car bl...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

you should take my online quiz.

wanna know more about me? then click here and take the quiz! and then click here to see how bad you sucked at it take this quiz and find out moooore!...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

survey thing

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. Have we met in person? if not do you want to meet me in person and why? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fonde...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the battle of fun

after last night being an eventful evening with alot of scene kids and 3 amazing bands (there were others but i don't feel like counting them as "amazing") but yeah i have to say that 1: those of you ...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

obi wan wasn't a clone, and luke skywalker is a pansi!

return to sender your address wasn't clear your speach is all the same and i feel like im watching star wars. i hate it all the time yet im arround it every day this is a letter to you, from something...
Posted by -13ad-Luck-13en- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST