Rev. Jacob Bahrman profile picture

Rev. Jacob Bahrman

Come on, fertilize me BITCH!!!

About Me

"He was an exceptionally cheerful and sociable fellow, kind to the point of simplicity. However, this simplicity concealed both depth and dignity. The best of hes friends understood that; everyone loved him. His appearance was expressive -- tall, thin, blonde-haired, always badly shaved. He could be violent on occasion, and was reputed to be a very strong man. Once, at night, in company, he knocked down a six-and-a-half-foot keeper of the peace with one blow. he could drink ad infinitum, or he could not drink at all; he could be impossibly mischievous, or he could not be mischievous at all. He was always remarkable in that no setbacks ever confounded him, and no bad circumstances seemed able to crush him. He could make his lodging even on a rooftop, suffer hellish hunger and extreme cold. He was very poor, and supported himself decidedly on his own, alone, getting money by work of one sort or another. He knew an endless number of sources to draw from -- by means of working, of course. Once he went a whole winter without heating his room, asserting that he even found it more pleasant, because one sleeps better in the cold." - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment 1881. I feel as though i can relate to this character, it's true, I find unheated rooms in the winter to be far more pleasant and I am able to sleep much better in them. And I am poorly shaved. Always. I hate shaving.

My Interests

My Blog

In response to hooks bitter ass...

In order to understand what you're about to read, you must first read hook's blog entitled "Being 'fake' can cause birth defects & impairs your ability to operate a vehicle!" you know, play a litt...
Posted by Just Jake on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:07:00 PST

Random Thoughts

I have a lot of time to myself at work, so often my mind wonders and I find myself pondering some stuff that I either think I understand and absolutely know that i dont. maybe someone can clear some t...
Posted by Just Jake on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:42:00 PST

My Sunset

What is a blog for? in my opinion (which isnt shit, i know), blogs should be posted to share something with everyone that is really worth sharing. i guess whether its worth sharing or not is pretty su...
Posted by Just Jake on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 06:11:00 PST

there's no place like home, there's no place like home...

Like dorthy of that damn movie wizard of oz, i feel lost in a world unfamiliar and uncomfortable to me, and want nothing more than to return home, not kansas, paris. ive clicked my ruby red slippers, ...
Posted by Just Jake on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:50:00 PST