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"Who Else Would like to use My Space , You Tube , E b a y , Craig's List and Other Web2.0 Marketing Skills to Generate *FREE* Leads...Without Spending One Single Red Penny..
Discover How a 22 Year Old Ex Real Estate Agent and Online Entrepreneur, *Cracked* the Code to Generate Free Priceless leads that Call Him, Using Web 2.0 Technology and The Secret Law Of Attraction...and Now You Can too...
..--------..Hi my name is Robin M. the author and creator of
Robin M. started on line about 4 years ago, I was a Real Estate agent for Remax and practiced for 2 years and in my two years of my Real Estate career I was able to accomplish many great things...In 2005 my team was able to reach a volume of $14,188,850 in total sales receiving a Platinum Award for that year and I had many happy customers. I also worked for another sales company and in two months I produced over $25,000 dollars in sales (now this was door to door not easy)...I have had the privilege of also running my home based business for about 3 years from home and also was able to master many online marketing skills... I WORK FULL TIME FROM HOME AND I CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO ALSO...
The reason why I created this my space page is because I am just so sick and tired of meeting all these wonderful, gifted, and talented entrepreneurs… …only to find out that they’ve lost their passion for life and given up on their dreams by working for someone else and settling for a low paying
J-O-B (J-O-B Just Over Broke!)
After seen so many fail with their businesses on line or off line, I have decided to change that once and for all, by empowering and mentoring My Fellow Entrepreneurs on how to achieve massive on line success with a formula that is changing the way I run my business...
Maybe you have what it takes, you might be a great leader inside but you always landed on the wrong mentoring program, and now you are ready to take the biggest challenge of your life by stepping up to the plate and shining forever...but before I give you the Formula let me tell you a little bit about my self.
Thanks for stopping by My Space Profile and welcome. How and why you are here I really don't know, But its OK, I am glad you are...you see you either stumbled across my profile on My Space, You Tube or other similar sites,or search engines or maybe you just found me out of pure luck... and now you are here, or it could of just been the Law Of Attraction attracting like minded people together...
But the good news is...that no matter how you landed on this page, the information you are about to discover will change your life forever...This might be the last piece of the puzzle you have been looking for to make you that great person, or to make you take off like a rocket... in your business or your life.
Keep reading to find out how to receive 12 training videos that show you how to generate targeted leads and Free traffic, also find out how to receive a free copy of Tube Traffic this e-book will show you how to created great YouTube Videos...
So Who The Heck Is This Robin M. And...Where Did He Came From?
I was born in a poor town in Guatemala in Central America in 1985, (I am 22 years old). My Father Manuel is one of my biggest heroes, because he decided to give me a great opportunity of a life time, when he decided to leave his country and risk his life to come to the united states, all to give me a better life…the year was 1995 when life changed.
My father was able to bring my brother Edgar and I to Rhode Island (United States.) I was only ten years old, and had no clue how to speak a single word of English…I hated it…and I wanted to go back to my country, I missed my old friends, the weather and the food loved soccer and played all my life, but American football was introduced to me, so i began playing for during high school ( Cranston High School West) it was great and exiting, I also love to draw and to also learn new things...I love speed and nice cars, my dream car would have to be a nice Red Ferrari ...so
I Started a J.O.B(Just Over Broke) at a Young Age!
By the age of 12 it was time for me to start working so I worked at a small Italian restaurant being a busboy par time… working and going to school was not easy at my age, but I managed. I got my self a job at a small local hardware store (St. James Hardware) where the owner George was a great mentor and I learned the hardware business inside out…it was here where I started to sell and later went on to cook for a five star restaurant while still in high school… finally I achieved one of my father dreams of graduating high school and I also graduated as a draftsman.
The situation was not great for me I had no resources to go to college, so now I had to Work and Work harder. I worked for Sears delivery team, delivering 500lb fridges and dishwashers up to 3 rd floor units it was a back breaker…from there I went to drive a straight truck for a food service company (hard labor aggravation and traffic) a few months later I quit.I am sure you can relate, tired and Frustrated I was surfing the web and I came across herbal life and that's when I was introduced to the wonderful world of MLM, I tough I was going to become rich fast and easy (wrong! I had no clue what it was or how to market) the quest started here…
Struggle Made Me Stronger!
I went back to the hardware store and there I became a good salesman ("I had it in me…ha ha.") that's what some one told me…this person introduced me to Real Estate and I since I had no choices open I went for it and took the 40+ hours of classes and then the sales associate test…I failed the first time, the second, the third, the fourth and never gave up, until I passed the fifth time…what a relief. Every time you fail you become stronger.
Right after I started my real estate career I met a great guy named Rasmey Enn and his Brother Chan Mao. Rasmey (a mortgage broker) introduced me to his best friend Ben Prum ("your real estate agent") that was his saying. Ben worked for Re m ax as a Real Estate Agent, and there I was at Re max, learning the business. The Market was still hot and I did pretty well for my first year until the real estate market changed and since I was new things started to slow down for me. It was tough I was falling behind and mean while I spend more money on other MLM companies (by now it was close to ten thousand dollars in debt... ouch!) thinking it was the product or the comp plan...wrong again it was me and lack of marketing skills. In business online or offline everything revolves around two things, and that is Personal Development and Marketing (Realize this now and you will thank me later on, knowing how to market your business is key to your success and also working on your self.)…
Personal Development is Key! I am a Believer In the SECRET Law of Attraction...
.. Personal development was introduced to me by my partner Ben and the Broker of The real estate company. I attended T. Harv Ecker 3 day seminar Millionaire Mind Intensive and my life and the way of thinking changed forever (I recommend you attend his seminar or read his book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind) I became addicted to personal development and became an information junkie and read every single book, Cd's and e-books I could. The one movie that changed everything for me was the Secret, it help me really concentrate and to really feel great. (It's great!and it will change you forever.) So time went by and I still had not made one single red penny online. I ventured into Direct sales online with the top producer with replicated websites training scripts, lots of expensive leads hours of dialing and no results, because I had no clue how to market and I was always pitching my products the business you know how it goes ( STOP marketing your business and market YOUR self and your business will explode) a few years later real estate slowing down and no money online the only thing that I had was debt and frustration ready to quit and throw the towel away. I had to stop real estate practice and started to work selling door to door consumer products this is hard to do, and I give a lot of credit to the people that do this type of selling. This job made me stronger and it taught me not to listen to any type of rejection. This brings me to the last job a banker. I was there for a few months great coworkers but still was a J.O.B (just over broke) I QUIT MY JOB AND NO LONGER HAVE TO WORK FOR SOMEONE ELSE
My Life Now Rocks!!!!
In the end all of the many experiences that have molded and crafted me and I don't regret having them everything has open my eyes and I have what no school in the world could ever teach me.
Now I have Many people calling me, but not just regular people, I am working with Leaders Top earners and motivated and like minded, I am happy and i feel great helping other people do the same...my passion is to help and empower people one person at a time...
Life is great and I thank God for all of the things he allowed me to go through, my family for all the support and the laws of attractions that allowed me to meet and attract all of the great people at MLM Goldmine that have mentored me ,(Thank You Ohana Family) and now my life has changed forever allowing me to live and leverage my self for the rest of my life.
So if you have read this far i am going to reaveal the formula for my success
and its MOS=TSLOA+MSM+WEB2.0+ FLATCY+L+P now you might be saying Robin your are nuts...well that is what I said when I first came across this formula, but it has changed me forever...let me explain to you what it means
MOS = Massive Online Success
TSLOA = The Secret Law of Attraction
MSM = My Story Marketing
WEB2.0 = New trends this is how you are going to get in front of people
My space, You Tube, are examples of web2.0
FLATCY = Free Leads and Traffic Chasing You.
L = Leadership
P = Passion
Do you want to know the *Formula in Detail, and how to apply it to you life and business it works for any business, I encourage you to sing up for my newsletter at www.YouIncMarketing.com and leave me a message here on My Space...better yet feel free to give me a call 401 - 228 - 4692, ." I would love to chat or brain storm new ideas or just simply hear your great story…"
Who Would I Like TO Meet:
First let me just share with you who I DON'T want to meet.
* I don't want to meet whiners...
* I don't want to meet complainers...
* I don't want to meet people who have excuses for almost everything that they didn't accomplished life...
* I don't want to meet people that think small...
* I don't want to meet people that want fast money...
People that are lazy and stupid piss me off, they make me sick when they think that an on line business is fast and easy money...
That's why if you're not someone who is * SERIOUS * about success... then don't even bother trying to add me as your friend because there's not much I or any one out there that can do, to help you.
So then... who do I really want to meet?
* If you're bright, friendly, and ambitious... you'll earn some high points.
* If you're a highly-motivated entrepreneurial spirit, and you just need the right opportunity to make it *BIG*or the right marketing skills that can make you great in any Business... you get two thumbs up.
* If you are the kind of person who is a pioneer, a shaker, and a take-no-prisoners action-maker who enjoys a challenge...
* If you're not a quitter, and if you are a self starter *
* If you're ready to learn how to use My Space,You Tube, and many other Web2.0 Trends to attract leads and like minded people to you.
* last but not least you must be ready to change and do something about all of your failures...
What Is Your Biggest Marketing Challenge? Ask Me Here.
Unlock the Secret Techniques That Have Change and will Change Life's FOREVER!
To receive Your 12 training videos that show you how to generate targeted leads and Free traffic, Marketing tips that will help you on line and also claim your *Free* copy of Tube Traffic, this e-book will show you how to created great YouTube Videos...sign up for my newsletter contact me at 401 --- 228 --- 46---92
P.S. Go to my website or give me a call to receive your *Free* Gifts MY SKYPE ID IS YOUINCM