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About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorWhat up! let's see, what to say... i'm a pretty laid back person. i like to chill with my close friends and laugh and get high off of life. just to be where i am now is a blessing from God. i was born in the bronx (prospect ave.) and i moved to baltimore at a pretty young age. but now im back in my hometown doing what i love to do. i just graduated from the american musical and dramatic academy where i studied acting. but besides amda, i'm also involved with music, writing, dancing, basically everything under the sun. i like to keep my options open. i'm single, looking to just chill. i've had the roughest year ever when it comes to dating... a couple of bad ones have dogged me out man!! I love my friends and family and everyone who really knows me would say that i'm a real genuine person who takes himself seriously. with that said, even though i am a serious person i am not up tight. i love to have fun and take risks in life. i can go on and on.... holla @ me!....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone who shares the same interests and that i can basically get along with. one day, i will either marry amerie or alicia keys. i cant make up my mind. and i love this woman... MS. SHOSHANA BEAN here's shoshana's last time performing defying gravity on January 8, 2006. the best elphaba VOCALLY ever!!! CLICK HERE!!!


my inspirations: stevie wonder, michael jackson, marvin gaye, usher, brian mcknight, musiq, maxwell, al green, mos def, big pun (the greatest of all time), nas, biggie, kanye, common, joey crack, jada, diddy, marc anthony, mariah, alicia keys, amerie (ummm), and jon waller. i'm in the middle of recording my cd slated to be released... uhhh, whenever i finish! holla at me, we gonna make it hot!


ah man, there's so many that i cant think of them all. let's see: carlito's way, a raisin in the sun, glory, malcolm x, edward scissorhands, the pest, titanic, paper moon... i cant think. there's so many. i'll just give up. i'll be going all night. those were just some i thought of in like 5 seconds. whatever. basically, i really like movies that exploit societal problems that go on today or in the past. i think that movies and art can be the best way to inspire people and make them aware of whats going on. this also inspires change. for some reason i have a thing for the stupid movies. (hence the pest, no offense to john leguizamo who is one of my favorite actors) they just put me in a good mood.


man growin up watching, family matters, power rangers, and all them nickolodeon shows was the 'ish! now i dont watch much tv. i'm really a movie buff. but when i do watch tv, i always look at the discovery channel for some reason. i like to learn new stuff. but, i love the classics... the honeymooners, i love lucy, good times, whats happening, stuff like that.


the bible, you should read it. its great! just recently i read that alicia keys poem book.


Jesus Christ first and foremost. without him nothing is possible, but with him ANYTHING is. pretty comforting to me. my mother of course. no one fought as hard as she did for my brother and i to have food to eat and a home to live in. all the people that fought for equality. it is because of them that i have the opprotunities that i have today. now it is my duty to continue to make change in the world.

My Blog

I Gotta Praise God!

I gotta praise God, just for letting me wake up today.Breathing in the fresh air, the blue skies, the green grass, the trees that sway.I gotta praise God, because when no one was there he was.And if f...
Posted by Dante on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:32:00 PST

I Love You!

Never in my life have i experienced such a love. a love that is unrestricted and unconditional. a love that says i love you even when you get me so mad that i hate you. a love you that makes me never...
Posted by Dante on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:36:00 PST

Hebrews 11:8

Hebrews 11:8 - by faith abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. this verse from the word could...
Posted by Dante on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 01:53:00 PST

Premature ejaculation...it gets the best of us!!!

hey all! i see i sparked your interest. otherwise, you wouldnt have clicked that little link that said something about a "premature ejaculation." shame on you and your dirty mind. see, i wrote that so...
Posted by Dante on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:13:00 PST