Speaking Spanish. Listening to cool stories. Folklore/Urban legends. Novellas. Junk. Art. Books. History. Weirdness. Learning. Old Hollywood. Skateboarding. Exercise. Deductive Reasoning.
Like minded peeps.
Too too much, too varied to list.
Mulholland Drive is my fave Lynch but I love Lynch. Anything with Paul Reubens. Anything by Todd Sololdnz (is that how its spelled?) Good horror/serial killer. Allison Anders stuff. 80s teen movies. Documentaries. I'll list them as I think of them.
Faves are David Sedaris, Carson McCullers, Michelle Tea, James Ellroy, Walter Mosley, Alice Sebold, Zora Neale Hurston, Wallace Stevens, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Carol Queen, Luis Rodriguez and then some.