Kem profile picture


wHat cOmes aRound, gOes aRound

About Me

hMmz..aBout 17 tuRnin 18 neXt yeaR yePz daz fO shUrz, i aM mixed chinese, cambOdiaN, tHai, and vieTnamese...mE naMe iz keM and i knO usUaLly itz spElled wit an "I" but yeaHz itz and "E" jusT fOe me haha nah j/k iOno...letz see body piercingz i oni have a tuMmie riNG so yeHz....i wORk paRt time and lOve ta cOok...cOokin isH soRta liKe mah hObBie i gueSs...i like chiLLin wit maH hOmEgRLz or fRieNdz cUz they aLwayz gOTz suMthiN to dO otha den woRk... as fOr guy fRiendz theRe sorT of the saME as tha gRLz but widOut da dRaMa..... i chiLL with theM if i'm tireD of heaRin otHaz braG bOut thiS sumOne or thaT sumone.... itz jusT suMthin i dOnt dO peRioD!!!!.jusT not mah styLE...(tHatz wHy i have mOre gUy fRieNdz haha)...aNyhOwz OthaZ den that i Like haviN fuN...eaTin is suMthin i dO and sLeEpin isH tOoz....i liKe waTchin t.V. oNi suMtimez...meaNin like if i have toOo like fOr da siMpsoNz n' stuFferz...yeaz i like to shop quiCk styLe dOnt like stayin in a store tOo daMn loNg kiLlz to mUch tiMe....hmm..n i duNnoe wat eLSe theRe is aBout me i guEss u gosTa meEt me to fiNd ouTz....

My Interests

my inteResTz aRez: cOokin...eating oUt Or at hOme....sLeEpin in maH beD...cHizlaxiN suMwheRez cOmfiEe...chiLLin wit da hOmiEz...beiN wit mah beSt fRieND juDie wit da bOotiE....aNd bEin aNti dRaMa....

I'd like to meet:

i wanna meet more friendz.....that knOez bein themseLves iz alL it taKEz....


i like..aLL aMericaN reJectz "swinG swiNG"...siMpLe pLaN "PErfeCt", and alL tha otha soNgz they have...R&B...hIp hOp...oLd skoOL hip hOp...and sOngz dat haVe bEatz mah bOdiE caN mOVe tOo...

Movies: every kiNd aS long as therez action, romance, and isH very very scary theN yeHz isH suMtim i like...liKe TExaS cHaiNsaW maSsecre...or PeaRl haRbOr...


NADA...Dont haB aNy...OOh yea theRz thiS oNe bOok caLLed " A GIRL NAMED DISASTER " don't remember tha autHor yeahz