Scarlett The Horse profile picture

Scarlett The Horse

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Every cowgirl needs a trusty horse…and Scarlett has always been there for Miss Laura Lee.
The moment that Miss Laura Lee laid eyes on Scarlett, she knew that horse was the one for her! She saw her running out on Johnson’s farm and was quite impressed. Scarlett was not only fast, but one of the most graceful horses Miss Laura Lee had ever seen.
Even though Scarlett is known throughout the town as an elegant southern belle of a horse, don’t underestimate her! She has won many awards and commendations from the Mayor of Little Nashville. In fact, she has been bestowed just as many honors as any of the boy horses have. She’s quite the decorated resident diva!
However, awards for being Little Nashville’s best horse are not all that she’s been recognized for. Scarlett is also quite a dancer and performer. When the music begins to play, she’s the first one on the dance floor! And there’s nothing Scarlett likes more than to dance along with her friends…all the kids who come to visit Little Nashville.
So make sure when you see Scarlett you’ve got your dancing shoes on. She’s not shy. In fact, she may even want to dance with you!

My Interests

Dancing, singing, racing and designing my wardrobe.

I'd like to meet:

A faster horse...seriously, I dare 'em. Also, as many kids as I can! I LOVE 'em!!


Little Nashville's version of "The William Tell Overture" really gets me goin'!!


Black Beauty and Seabiscuit (Even though I could smoke either one of 'em).


CMT and GAC all the way, baby!

