.feel free to smoke.
.Hi my name is Richie but you can call me tRox for short.
.i like Rockabilly.
.i also like jones soda.
.i make logos.
.i also make t-shirts and stickers.
.now then: Have a day.
bye: poindextrox
taking things apart
OLD 97'S lyrics
rockabilly//-hellabilly//-pycobilly// -metal/-/rock//-punk//-alternative//-slow//... TREES... ONLY YOU... ROSE OF THE DEVIL'S GARDEN.... SOUR... LOVE ME OR HATE ME... A.T.H.F.... BLACK SUNSHINE... MORE HUMAN THAN HUMAN... MISS TAKE
fantastic planet killer clowns form outerspace
[adult swim]...
bender from-futurama...