TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName: Icy danoBirthday: Dec14,1985Birthplace: Iligan cityCurrent Location: Cagayan de oro cityEye Color: Dark brownHair Color: bLaCkHeight: 5'6Right Handed or Left Handed: RIght HandeDYour Heritage: aSiAnThe Shoes You Wore Today: Nothing.. barefoot!!Your Weakness: bOyz bOyz bOyz... lol and medsurg!! grrrrYour Fears: Insects!! Ipis!! !! dey make me goo loka!!Your Perfect Pizza: hAwAiiAn... with lots oF moZzareLLAGoal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: uhmMm... graduate!! Be an RN!!Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Heeiii!!Thoughts First Waking Up: uhHhHmmm.. da tym!!Your Best Physical Feature: my EyeZz... hahaYour Bedtime: mwUh??? oh... midNytPepsi or Coke: |m not on diet.. I prefer cokeMacDonalds or Burger King: MAC... bt I prefer jobi!! Pinoy ito!!Single or Group Dates: Single.. I lyk it solo!! hahahahaLipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NEsteEeA...Chocolate or Vanilla: Choco... moCho... id die for dem..Cappuccino or Coffee: Dnt drink any.. dey giv me palpitations..Do you Smoke: I dnt smoke..Do you Swear: sWeAR wHAt??Do you Sing: uhm YEeEep...Do you Shower Daily: deFiniTELY...Have you Been in Love: UHmm... yEEEEEEEEEEEEEeZDo you want to get Married: aWwwWw... yeA... 10 yrs frm now..Do you belive in yourself: hEll yEAH... i LOve mYseLF...Do you think you are Attractive: wHaT yA th|nk??Are you a Health Freak: NOoOo??Do you like Thunderstorms: gRrr.. NO!Do you play an Instrument: Shyyyeet!! I know nothing..In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: uhm nO:(In the past month have you Smoked: uHm nO;(In the past month have you been on Drugs: b|g nO nO...In the past month have you gone on a Date: uhMMm... yeeezzz!!In the past month have you gone to a Mall: YEZZZZZZZ..totally love ta' shop...In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Just an hour ago.. I love da double stuff!!In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nAwww.. I dnt eat raw..In the past month have you been on Stage: yeZZZZ.. on da ramp!!In the past month have you been Dumped: nOOOOOOOOO... im the one who do tHe dumPInG... haha:))In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Yeeezz.. at bora!! Sarap ulitin..In the past month have you Stolen Anything: uHM hell NO...Ever been Drunk: YEaH... haha:))Ever been called a Tease: yeAh... onCe...Ever been Beaten up: NO NO NOEver Shoplifted: neVAh...How do you want to Die: i wAnna diE beAutifUL...What do you want to be when you Grow Up: iM StuDyin NUrsing... so I wanna bE a NURSE someday...What country would you most like to Visit: uhm... amanpulo island..In a Boy/Girl..Favourite Eye Color: Brown??Favourite Hair Color: all will do... exCept blOnde...Short or Long Hair: Any will do..Height: AloT taLLer thAN me...Weight: ko ma wo...Best Clothing Style: Uhm... SkinnY jEans ANd a Cute tOP...Number of Drugs I have taken: woAw... uhmm... lemme think...Number of CDs I own: lotzNumber of Piercings: Got 2 before..Number of Tattoos: nOneNumber of things in my Past I Regret: ohh.. two?? I hate it!!
My Interests
i love listening to the music of bonethugs. i like RnB and hiphop.