~†~ "mY cHaMbEr Is A cHaMbEr Of HoRRoRs" ~†~
* Birthplace: Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz)
* Hometown: Chemnitz
* Height: 1,81 m
* Weight: ^.^ no comment
* Music: classical music, Gothic, Metal, Rock, Industrial, DarkWave
* languages:
+ german
+ english (8-9 years)
+ french (5-6 years)
+ spanish (3 years)
* Animexx: LunaFeles
~†~ Likes: ~†~
+ Darkness ~ calm
+ elegance ~ beauty (naturally)
+ dark-red roses
+ the moon
+ ruin
+ PC
+ striped pattern
+ to promenade
+ cats
+ Tim Burton
+ bats ~ vampires
+ melancholy
+ coldness
+ chamber of horrors
+ coco
~†~ Doesn't Like: ~†~
+ insects
+ summer ~ hotness
+ crowd
+ sport
* I like the paintings of Victoria Frances
The Life is a game
~ so I play it
The Life is a dream
~ so I dream it
The Life is not real
~ so I live it in this way
The Life is not endless
~ so I will wait until the end
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