Mike profile picture


I still think Peanut Butter (Jif) is one of the best things invented in the United States

About Me

_____My name is Mike Escoe. I grew up in Georgia. Transplanted to Florida. Now my family and I live in Ecuador. We do and teach children's ministry in Ecuador.
_____New family photo at http://escoe.blogspot.com

My Interests

Snow skiing, biking, rafting, photography, eating BBQ, and donuts, there are no real donuts except Krispy Kreme. I also like to eat ice cream. That is a milk product so I can claim that one as health food.
Coffee seems to be climbing higher in the group of things that I enjoy. I don't know if that is good or a vice.


I like most styles of music. I just don't like filthy language or un-Godly themes. Country, Alternative, Bluegrass, Blues, Classical, Jazz, Rock, Gospel, Hip-Hop, Gospel, did I say Gospel?, Pop, Reggae, Reggaeton, Salsa, Musica en Espanol, etc. ApologetiX, James Taylor


Secondhand Lions, Lord of the Rings (the series, extended versions are better), Life is Beautiful (Italian and English), Shall We Dance (American version), The Rookie, Saving Private Ryan, Napoleon Dynamite, Stalag 17, The Great Escape, Big Jake, The Hunt for Red October, Hook, Veggie Tales-Jonah (Spanish, good dub and English), The Battle of the Bulge (good movie though not completely true to history)


This is why I buy DVD's. Most TV is trash, not everything but most of it.


The Bible, I thought I should put this on here because some of you don't know me. If you did know me you would already know that is the beginning of my list. Most books by Andy Stanley.


Suzette, Lana and Marc, you are impressive to me, Mike Lawrence, Mike Tedder, Mark Brink, Ron Sellers, most missionaries are high on my list