The Original Mr. Josh profile picture

The Original Mr. Josh

You don’t call retarded people “retards.” It’s bad taste. You call your friends “retardsâ€

About Me

Zen is not easy. It takes effort to obtain nothingness.
Although I seem to be getting nothing just fine.

I am Josh. There is not entirely too much more to it. Just ask the people who know me, they'll tell you I am Josh too. I have my own web comic, which I am really into, at the moment. I also create artwork for my friends band "Evil TV". I tend to sing along with songs I know. I know a lot of songs. I also quote things, incessantly. I can't spell. I once almost knocked Alan Alda on his ass. Taste the happiness.

If you want to know more about me on a regular basis, read my livejournal:
My Live Journal
Or check out my web page (and see how crazy I really am)
My Webpage
Also, you can read my webcomic:
C-M University

I washed my profile with a rag on a stick V3.6 !

Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

My Interests

Film, Television (especially Arrested Development), my friends, my family, Making you laugh, writing, music, drawing, sketching, painting, cooking, cartoons (I have an animation obsession), comedy, Starbucks, real estate, free things, judaism, parties, my jewish girls that are not jappy or psychotic, that thing on the wall, shinny objects, laughing, improv, camp monroe, throwing parties, organising parties, dinner parties, red heads, dancing very badly (yet proudly), being self aware at all times and loving it, people with no talent who sware they have it

I'd like to meet:

The little people that live in my head, so I can ask them to be quiet when I am trying to sleep. I just hope they aren't fatties.
Also, a nice Jewish girl I can bring home to mom, or at least introduce to my friends.


I have a wide taste in music, pretty much encompassing everything except hardcore (anything), most rap and pop, and country (but I do like some Southern Rock). My favorite genre's are classic rock and 80's pop. Favorite Band: Moxy Fruvous. If you are a FruHead, you are alright in my book.


I like movies. I majored in Media Studies and Film. There is very little I couldn't tell you about movies. Movies are the greatest things ever. For me to pick just one, or even a handful of movies as a favorite, I think I would still be thikning about long after I was dead, because to settle as I was dying, would leave me regretting I picked one over another. If you look at my DVD collection, you would think "My G-d, that is a lot of DVDs. How does he have time to watch them?" I make time. 250 movies, 30 special features, and 75 TV DVDs (thats individual disks, just to make that info shorter). I love movies, that much. What I hate is when I buy a DVD and then they come out with a special edition. And if you are still reading this, you are probably wondering what movies I like. Well, the most recent crop of movies I purchased are "The Aristocrats", "Beverly Hills Cop Trilogy", "The Birds", "The Doors: Special Directors Edition", "Fight Club: Special Edition", "Ghostbusters 2", "Ice Age: Super Cool Edition", "Rat Race", "Superman II", "Close Encounter's of the Third Kind: Special Edition", "David Chronenberg's The Fly: 20th Anniversary Edition", "Full Metal Jacket", "Peter Jackson's King Kong: Special Edition", "Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho", "Rear Window", "Sexy Beast", "Touch of Evil", and "V for Vendetta", "Wolf". I really have a DVD purchasing problem.


Arrested Development (best show EVER), The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, Sienfeld, South Park, Saturday Night Live, Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, Monster House, Harvey Birdman, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Scooby Doo, Penn and Teller's Bulls**t, Sopranos, Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, Strangers With Candy, Kids in the Hall, Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Office (original BBC version), The Office (American version), My Name is Earl, Ali G, Daily Show, Conan O'Brien, Iron Chef...I could keep going, but let's just say - I like TV


The Hitchhiker's Trillogy (including "So Long and Thanks For All The Fish", and "Mostly Harmless"), Conederacy of Dunces, Tough Jews: Fathers, Sons, & Gangster Dreams, America the book, The Simpsons and Philosophy, anything by Raold Dahl, anything else by Douglas Adams (currently re-readin "Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul"), George Carlin's Brain Droppings, magazines


My dad, and people who can do/have done awesome stuff

My Blog

Shamless Promotion Blog

Ok, incase you don't read my livejournal, or have my AIM address, I should let you know that I have a web comic. There are no strips up yet (at least when I post this blog), but there will be starting...
Posted by The Original Mr. Josh on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 08:06:00 PST

I know I said I wouldn't do this

I know I said I don't post blogs here, but I felt like I needed to brag/inform. I am currently in the process of losing weight and getting in shape.  So don't judge my fatness by my pictures.&nbs...
Posted by The Original Mr. Josh on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:22:00 PST

Just for your own edification

Just so you know, this is probably the only entry I will ever be posting on this blog.  If you want to read a (semi) regularly updated journal, check out my livejournal. Much love. Also, check ou...
Posted by The Original Mr. Josh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST