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Yung PRO

Quit actin' like ah Bitch right now ...... Add ur boi , PRO!

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My Interests

Music from ............ P-Live "Paycheck Mixtape" ....!!

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
"P-Live" .... Good To You ..!!!..

You can now purchase "P-Live" new album "Coming to you live" , on itunes ...!!!

I listen to P-Live, you should listen too, go to!!!

I'd like to meet:

whoever i meet , i meet ........... it ain't noone im dying to see or meet ,... famous people i would like to meet ,none.... sh!t im damn near famous myself ..................!!!!!!!!
The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Pro ..!!
Age?: 23
Sex?: i have a Johnson
Birth Date?: 9/13/83
Hair Color?: black
Eye Color?: brown
Height?: 5'11"
Weight?: 160lbs.
Body Type?: holla , ... & you tell me ..!!
Piercings?: ears ...
Tattoos?: check out my pics ......yep'
What are you wearing right now?: pajama pants .....
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: lil fro' .... tryin to get braidz , hollaback ...
* Favorites *
Soda?: dont drink soda ... sorry, cola (acid)
Food?: too many ... crab legs, steak, pizza hut , peach cobbler ... and im good ..!!
Drinks?: any good flavor juice (everfresh, gatorade , etc.)
Alcoholic drink?: my own created drink ... "SPANISH MONKEY" ..! yep'
Time of day?: 12 o'clock club time ... you knooo'
Season?: summa' ....
Day of the week?: everyday .....
Song at the moment?: "P-Live" ...." Slide" ..!!
Band/artist?: "P-Live" ......come on nah' ...
Book?: Donald Goines ..... "Daddy Cool"
Subject in school?: every subject ...... Detroit classes aint shyt but fun .... hollaback!
Place in the USA?: Las Vegas .... if you been you already kno' , tell me ur Vegas story ..!! LOL
Place outside the USA?: somewhere totally different like .. Brazil , Japan , Hawaii , ... take me !!! LOL
Color?: Blue ... then Black .... then White
Style of clothes?: comfort ..then.. looks .... i please myself first .... hollaback1
Store?: Phat Farm ..... yep'
Mall?: Eastland .... my "D" people already know .."Tha' LAND''
City?: New York ...
Website?: all the --Adult-- sites , .. i guess .... lol
Magazine?: VIBE
Kind of pet?: AmStaff Pit-bull , Rottwilder ..!!
* Worst *
Place to be?: in bad pussy .... Is that an correct answer ?? really ??
Class in school?: nun, eye gott .. mi ed-ja-mah-cation , shyt ...!!
Time of day?: NuN ....
Season?: winter ( have you lived thru a Michigan winter ??
Kind of pet?: Roaches ,..... hey, hey, hey, ...they pets where i come from ..Dammit ..!!
Drink?: Vegemite .... i' ve heard ..!!
Food?: i dunno shyt , .. Plastic fruit that sit on the table ..!! LOL
Mall?: eastland , you might fuck around & and get shot for ya new Jordan's coming out ..!!
Store?: Best Buy , .... wit them high ass prices ...!! lol
Style of clothes?: usually its not the clothes , itz who wearing them , ya feel me ..!! lol
Celebrity?: "P-Live" .... LOL
Color?: i really dont give it much thought, and you shouldnt either ...!!
Book?: the hobbit .... why they just dont call it "Lord of the Rings : The Beginning" ....ya feel me ??
Type of music?: good music is good music .... point blank period ..
Website?: MYSPACE .....take a step back and realize that ...!!
Magazine?: any magazine without pictures ...(how we supposed to know waht there talking about ??) LOL
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: first ....grab my balls .. well, i do!
What is your first thought?: hell yea' , anotha day ..!!
What do you do first?: turn on the (t.v. or play loud music or both) , then the morning piss, like errbody else ...LOL
What is your usual outfit?: timbs , jeans, black (funny quote) shirt , black "D" hat ..!!
What is your first class of the day?: Life ....
When does school end?: When the casket close ...
Do you see your friends?: sometimes .. i see em' , when i see em' ..
What do you do when you get home?: turn on and watch tv ... or get ready for the club ... lol
What time do you go to bed?: 6am
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: come on nah ' ..... aaahhhhh..!!
Brush your hair daily?: naw , dont have too .....lucky me .. i wear hats ..!!! lol
Shower daily?: come on nah' ... "AXE" "kilo" Bodywash ..!!
Sing?: errday .... not good tho ... im honest ..!!
Dance?: yep' ...... some ya bed ..!! lol
Party?: all tha time...
Get drunk?: everytime liqour is near (every corner in tha "D") we lucky .!!.. LOL
Have sex?: every chance i get
Read books?: sometimes ... hugh hefner taught me how to read , lol , i was a "gyno'' at 11 .... lol
Listen to music a lot?: huh? huh? what??? (lol, too much )
Read magazines?: gotta keep up with whats current ...
Go .. a lot?: only for Myspace...
Have a religion?: nope
Have an iPod?: im hood ...... hahahaha ... ha
Want an iPod?: i said , im hood ... hahaha
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: nope .... i want a GF tho' ... get at me !!
Play an instrument?: i play my nutz pretty good ... wanna try ???
Get sick a lot?: nope , thanx GOD ..!!
Watch TV?: yep' ...
Like MTV?: yep' ....
Like VH1?: depends whatz on ....
Like the History Channel?: yep' ....
Have digital cable?: yep' .... it sux i like "Comcast"...
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: yeah ... but i aint tryin to count ..!!
Listen to the radio?: errday .... listen out for " P-Live" on dere ....
Still use your CD player?: in the Whip .....
Stalk people?: hheeeellllllllll NO ..!!
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: dont errbody ....!! lol
Have dial-up internet?: hheelllll NO .....!!
Have AOL?: yepper .....
Know HTML?: a little .....
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: yep' ..... in fuckin' .... yep', yep' ... itz a GPA to fuckin' ..!! LOL
Do well in honors classes?: real , real , real well ...!!
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: yepper ......
R & B?: yepper ......
Blues and/or Jazz?: sometimes....
Classical?: sometimes.....
Pop?: yepper ......
Country?: yepper ......
Emo/Screamo?: what the hell is that ....???
Heavy Metal?: sometimes. .....
Christian?: yepper ......
Techno?: sometimes...
Reggae?: sometimes....
Broadway Musical Songs?: neva ..... unless itz MADIA ....!!! lol
Oldies?: yepper ......
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: doesnt matter ..... do it fit ya' ???
Eye color?: hazel , blue , gray , geen ...
Tattoos?: yep' ....
Piercings?: yepper ....
Favorite Music?: doesnt matter ..... whateva you like , i would probaly listen to it too ...!!
Style of clothing?: doesnt matter ..... do it fit ya' ???
Body type?: doesnt matter you give good head??? LOL
Personality or looks?: Personality ........ looks is in the eyes , not the heart where it matters , ya ' kno' ???
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: come on nah' ..... who wouldnt ?? .. thats real ..!! dont be madd ..
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: not yet ...
Does size matter?: not too me , if a chic can put on me , i thank you ..!!
Do they have to be popular?: nae .....
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: shouldnt matter ..... dontcha' think ??
Where do you go on the first date?: a date is what you make of it ...
Kiss on the first date?: kissing , depends on the moment . ya' kno' ??
Sex on the first date?: sex , depends on the mood .... ya' kno' ??
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: im naked , you be tha judge ..??
Are you eating something?: just finished some fried chicken ???
Are you drinking something?: just finished Orange Kool-aid ..!!
Are you IMing anyone?: naw ... but i have ( aol IM , yahoo IM, msn IM) get at me ..!!
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: nae ... i got dial-up ...... psyhc ... lol
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: yep' .....Chianti .... (i luv grape wine)
What are you listening to?: 106 & park ...!!
What are you watching on TV?: 106 & park ...!!
What other websites do you have open?: none ....
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: yep' ....
The afterlife?: most def. ....!!
Aliens?: not sure ....
God?: yep' ... you should too ...!!
The devil?: yep' ... "he believe in you" ("Constantine", great movie!)
Heaven?: yepper ...
Hell?: havent you been payin' attention ..
Scientology?: no....
Hinduism?: yep' ..
Buddhism?: yep ...
Christianity?: yepper ....
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, Juelz , O. Sparks , Cassidy , DMX , .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....


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BET ,, MTV,, all day ....!!!!!..


all "Donald Goines" books ..!!!! its real shit , .....yessirr !!!


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