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Ms. Brims Baby......And Please Say Da Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

Im 24 years old...Born and Raised in Da Valley...I am a Mixed Mut.....Im Beautiful, Smart, Serious, but can enjoy a good laugh.....I like to party and try out new things....I have a 7 year old son.....and I love that kid to death....He's kind of like a Brother/Son....Im married to his father, so dont get no ideas.....and if u do....Keep them to urself cause trust i dont want no parts in it....LOL...Anyhow welcome to my New Page....Why? Cause......... Change is good, and if what u learn dont change, then why are u learnin what u learnin... PEACE, LOVE, AND NAPPINESS

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My Interests

I like to have Drinks with my friend and Party, Bowl, Roller Skate, Shop, Read, Write, watch Movies, and stick to my Family! Home is where the love is!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

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*Personality Survey*
Name? Secunda
Are you happy with it? Yes
Hair Color? Natural? Brown
Eye Color? D Brown
Contacts/Glasses? Both
Braces? No
Birthday? August 24, 1982
Favorite Color? Red and Gold
Friend Personality-
Do you have a lot of friends? No but i know alot of people
How many do you actually like? All of them but the unreal!
Are you fake to anybody? Yes if im forced to be!
Who are your best friends? Delene
Can you keep a secret? Yes
Do you hold grudges? No
Talk shit about any of your friends? If they piss me off!
Miss any old friends? No...Not even a little
Girlfriend Personality-
Single/Taken/Don't have a clue? Taken baby!
Ever cheated? Is this a trip question....LOL!
Friends or boyfriend? Both
Should he pay for everything? No
Break up if he cheated on you? Yes in a heart beat!
Party Personality-
How often do you go to parties? Often enough!
Do you drink? Yes and i can drink alot too!
Drink of choice- Patron w/ Pine Apple
Keg-Stands?/How long? What?
Do you smoke? Sometimes!
Best party you've ever been to? Jammin and Silhoutte dayz!
Craziest thing you've ever done drunk? Cried and laugh at the same time...LOL!
Shopping Personality-
How often do you shop? As often as i can!
Favorite Mall? All of them!
Favorite Store? Express/Papaya/ Hollister/H&M
How much do you spend on a typical shopping trip? $600 on me/ $400 on Jerry
Most expensive thing you've ever bought? My car!
Most expensive/pointless thing you've ever bought? White Guess Jeanz
Shop: by yourself/with friends/with boyfriend? Friends and Fam....
You in general-
Are you a jealous person? I can be....I need attention too!
Is it hard for you to give stuff up that belongs to you? Yes!
Are you greedy? No
Are you slack or responsible? Responsible!
Morning person or night person? Nocturnal
Are you nicer to people when you first meet them? No....not even a lil!
Reality TV..yes or no? Yes
Stuck up? I can be!
Do you lie a lot? No

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I'd like to meet:

LIL KIM, Kimora Lee Simons, 5o Cent, Fabolous, Usher, and real people who dont front, and dont show jealousy and dont try and take ur identity and style and all that good shit....I dont want people in my life who like to play games and lie and loose their own identities....Just be urself...those who dont live for the street and try to impress other, U are more then welcome to request my friendship....Those who waste their time worrying about me and others....Catch up....IM WAY AHEAD OF U....LOL

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You are shy at first, and because of that, it is hard for you to find lots of random sex partners. You are very intelligent and very into sex. You will only have sex with clean people, because you are afraid of getting an STD. You are also very kinky and imaginative in the sack. Your partners always have a hard time keeping up with you. Sex matches: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio
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I like all kinds of music....Rap, Reggae, R&B, and etc..U know!

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Good Fellas, Usual Suspects, Horror Flicks, Closer, The Note Book, Just married, Face off, Jason Lyrics, Waist Deep, Daddy's little girls, Basic Instincts 2 and Titanic

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The Hills, Laguna Beach, College Hills, Real World, I love New York, (E) True Hollywood, Next, and much more trust!

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Addicted, Gangstas, B'More Carefull, Fly Girl, Alpha FI Fuckem, Carmen Bryant ( Its No Secret), and US, LifeStyle, Star Magazines....Fashion Fanatic!
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My Grandparents....Even though their a pain in my @ss and my Mother....Shes taught me all that i ever needed to no....Oh and my Ex Friends...They showed me all the things i needed not to do....Thank U and Muahz!

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My Blog

Approach me....Please do, so i can make an ass out of u

Im so tired of this sh*t....If we got problems.....Address me.....F*ck all that how do u look coming up to in the streets beefing.....So what i got the energy for it....Trust i do....I dont got time f...
Posted by Cunda on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 04:59:00 PST

My Life.....CNN.....Memories!

Damn Scoot....Why man why? I thought all the tears and the mourning was gone...but just when i heard that song My Life i could of choked......I wanted to cry so bad but i couldnt cause then Krystal wo...
Posted by Cunda on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 01:57:00 PST