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Jose Cornier

Esperanza CD @,,

About Me

THE LONG AWAITED CD RELEASE "ESPERANZA" NOW AVAILABLE @,, Thanks to Cesar Rolon jr. for all your support and promotions!!! Thanks to Juan Rios from American Airlines for his support and promotions!!! Voted top ten on the Latin Chart and Christian Chart from Jose Cornier is known as the SIZZLING LATIN GUITARIST!Jose’ CornierBorn of Puerto Rican, French and African decent Jose’ Cornier is no stranger to the age old adage that it takes a whole lot of faith to move mountains. This Humbolt Park native picked up his first guitar at the age of 8 and is now able to play any guitar placed in front of him. His musical genius does not stop there; he can also play the piano, synthesizers, percussion instruments, conga, bongos, timbales and any other instrument that comes with it.Before settling down with Kuumba Creative Music Group this divorced father of 3 girls served in the Navy, Marines and the United States Coast Guard. After being retired during the first Persian Gulf War, Jose returned to his first love; the church. Finding a home at St. Sabina church under the leadership of Rev. Father Michael L. Pfleger, Jose’ soon returned to his guitar and his debut album Esperanza.Jose’ Cornier is a man with a vision. His vision includes sharing his love and faith through music. He was honored as " Someone You Should Know” in 1998 by Harry Porterfield and has played at many major events throughout the Chicagoland area. His passion extends far beyond the instruments he plays and it comes out in his music. The Cd includes songs like Te Amo En Dios that set the atmosphere for a quiet afternoon in meditation and prayer and others like Prophet that makes you want to jump for joy at the goodness of the Lord. Regardless of religious preference, from the picture on CD cover to the bonus track this project comes through on its promise to deliver both power and passion.When asked why he chose the title Esperanza Jose’ replied: “Esperanza came from my struggle as a Christian, being rejected because of my beliefs and when I had personal health problems that no doctor could cure. When God stepped in and began to move in my life hope came into me, since then it's been a love affair, unmatched!”For further details visit HELP "SAVE DARFUR" STOP THE KILLING!!! THEY NEED OUR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!ESPERANZA means HOPE! Actively waiting, being patient for an outcome. I've been playing the guitar since a kid. I got together with Michael Drayton who co-produce the cd. I have a website: www.josecornier.comThe photos that you see are from Ingrid Larkin from Ebony Magazine and we all go together to Saint Sabina, under the leadership of Father Michael L. Pfleger.This is my first solo cd and the first to go international! I hope you enjoy it and also buy it. This cd was done thru the trails of my life. You can read more in my website. "THE SIZZLING LATIN GUITARIST!!!!!!!!The Cd has gone international, and is becoming more and more recognized throughout the world! Thanks!GRACIAS POR SU ENVITES!!!!!!! Tengo un website si quiere conocer me Te envito en mi vida,CIAO'THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE HABIT= WORRY... THE GREATEST JOY= GIVING... THE GREATEST LOSS = LOSS OF SELF-RESPECT... THE MOST SATISFYING WORK= HELPING OTHERS... THE UGLIEST PERSONALITY TRAIT= SELFISHNESS... THE MOST ENDANGERED SPECIES= DEDICATED LEADERS... OUR GREATEST RESOURCE= OUR YOUTH... THE GREATEST " SHOT IN THE ARM" = ENCOURAGEMENT... THE GREATEST PROBLEM TO OVERCOME = FEAR... THE MOST EFFECTIVE SLEEPING PILL = PEACE OF MIND... THE MOST CRIPPLING FAILURE DISEASE = EXCUSES... THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN LIFE = LOVE... THE MOST DANGEROUS PARIAH = A GOSSIPER... THE WORLD'S MOST INCREDIBLE COMPUTER = THE BRAIN... THE WORST THING TO BE WITHOUT = HOPE... THE DEADLIEST WEAPON = THE TONGUE... THE MOST POWER-FILLED WORDS = " I CAN "... THE GREATEST ASSET = FAITH... THE MOST WORTHLESS EMOTION = SELF-PITY... THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ATTIRE = A SMILE !... THE MOST POWERFUL CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION = PRAYER !... THE MOST CONTAGIOUS SPIRIT = ENTHUSIASM...JOSE'

My Interests

I like people who are honest and yet to the point. Who tell it as it is and don't hold back when it comes time. People who care about people. People that hold righteousness up front and help others to do so.

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I like christian, jazz, some rock. Music that has a positive feel, mood and direction. You can purchase the Esperanza cd thru Thank you for your support and don't forget to go to my website@ to sample more music!


Suspense, and drama, and sci-fi!


If I watch tv, it's going to be reality show, or PBS channel ie. documentaries, nova, something that is educational to me.


Bible, Purpose Driven Life/Church, The Pursuit of Happyness, Speaking the truth in love.



My Blog


I'm hoping to be signed with a major record label so this music can go all over the world and bless so many!
Posted by Jose Cornier on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 07:37:00 PST