Ronnie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I graduated from Ravenna high school, if that says anything. Currently, I work maintence in GR. My baby girl Zoey just turned 1!!!!! Racing stock cars and demolition derby are some of my hobbies, I have raced for 2 years and demoed for almost 7 years. Ted goodno is gay(just kiddin) Doug pigors... I dont know if he is still alive, Grover whats up, Emery, how ya been? Anyone else I missed let me know.
Myspace Layouts


My Interests

Racing, Demo derbys, Ps3

I'd like to meet:

Tony Stewart, Ted Goodno, Doug Pigors hahaha


Mixture of all


Borat, Dumb and dumber, All Ace Venturas


House and Pinks


I went to Ravenna so I cant read


Superman, Batman, Tony Stewart, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Speedy Gonzales, and his cousin Slopoke Rodrigues...he may be slow but he's got a gun!

My Blog


Im so tired and sore work sucks
Posted by Ronnie on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 06:46:00 PST

Baby Time!!!!

Zoey Madison Smith was born 4/28/07, She was brought into the world at 9:48 saturday morning 7lbs 15oz. pics will be up soon!
Posted by Ronnie on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:40:00 PST