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About Me

aspiring librarian stuck in kansas
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My Interests

i enjoy... looking like i've been dead for a couple'a days, driving aimlessly around L-town, cutting up expensive magazines, baking, avoiding bill collectors and bad influences, striving to maintain a positive energy, waking up from dreams and falling back asleep to dream more...

I'd like to meet:

princess diana. an honest cop, Gary and Wyatt.


NEW GUILTY PLEASURE: DANITY KANE. the new young pony club. Briantownstown Massacre, Dandywarhols, the Talking Heads, David Bowie, Echo and the Bunnymen, the rapture, the Beastie Boys, !!!, Elliot Smith, M.I.A, Joni Mitchel, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, the shins, the commadors, boney m, Radiohead, Beck, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, Tears for Fears, Junior Boys, the Clash, Steely Dan, tribe called quest, Cat Stevens, the Smiths, the Who, the Stones, Bonnie Riatt, Nas, Kanye West, Jay-z, anything filthy. guilty pop-radio pleasures.


the lookout, brick, I recently watched 'Solaris' and i think about it a lot...Little Miss Sunshine, the house of yes, Pans Labrynth, the Wall, Dig!, You, me and everyone we know, Days of Heaven, Best in show, short bus, Harold and Maude, the machinist, Rush, the Royal Tennenbaums, the adventures of sebastian cole, Klute, spaceballs, Bottlerocket, american psycho, leon (the professional) donnie darko, the anniversary party, Batman (with Michael Keaton), the Last Unicorn, the young poisoners handbook, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Virgin Suicides, May (a good horror flick), beautiful creatures, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, a christmas story, Run Lola Run, Gone with the Wind, the money pit, i could go on and on and on.


biglove. family guy. pbs. celebrity rehab.


i am now a Juxtapoze magazine collector, its def. worth the five bones. Gone With the Wind, Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac, Mutant Message From Down Under by Marlo Morgan; anything by Brett Easton Ellis, the chronicles of nimh, Ray Bradbury, Dorothy Parkers' poetry and short stories, Chuck Palanuik(?sp?) Perfume, by Patrick Suskind.. again i could go on for awhile....I last I book I read was Janes fonda's autobography. it was awesome.


olympians and anyone who can get the fuck out of kansas. bonnie riatt, carbs.

My Blog


so this morning my room-mate alex woke me and my man up to tell us that the swat team was across the street. they are steaking out a dude that is holding his wife and kids hostage. its freakin' crazy....
Posted by megan on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:31:00 PST

rip oedipus rex

i came home from work today. i cleaned the nasty kitty-litter box. i fed the cats. i entered my room and notice the water in my fish bowl is low, so i start to refill it. but wheres eddie? i realized&...
Posted by megan on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:00:00 PST

F insomnia

took an extended nap (about 6 hours) , now i cant sleep and i have heartburn. what the fuck? now what am i supposed to do?!!! ugghhhh. sorry lame blog. i'm bored. and tormented. in so many ways.
Posted by megan on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 01:02:00 PST

tyra banks, you OWE ME A RESPONSE okay? i want answers!!!

DAMN IT i spaced out and wrote a really fucking long blog about my apocalptic dream from last night, but some how when i tried to pick my music, it got erased. THANKS ALOT INTERNET DEVIL!!! ...
Posted by megan on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:15:00 PST

hot child summer in the city

 a coupla' months ago someone jacked my car stereo and lately, ive been really bent about it. then i saw the movie 'Georgia Rule', and Jane Fonda tells Lindsay Lohan (who basically plays her...
Posted by megan on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:59:00 PST

fuck being po'

yes, that's right: i FINALLY got a job. now my lazy ass will be kissing other asses full-time at the community merc! i could be spraying down animal cages for all i care, i'm just SO GLAD to be workin...
Posted by megan on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 11:59:00 PST


Tonight would have been perfect for a moonlit ride. i want a psychadelic strangermorrison-like man/boy with a hot ride. tonight all i did was homework. then, as i sat in the freezing cold and smo...
Posted by megan on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 11:39:00 PST

two really good things...

1st: i got a new job!!! i am taking a huge pay-cut and i don't care!!! bye-bye corporate hell!!!!   2nd: the winter olympics start Friday!!!!!!! It's on! I love the olympics!!! I demand to have m...
Posted by megan on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 06:12:00 PST

18yr olds at neon

i gracefully accepted a dance invitation with a cute under-age boy. next thing i know i am dancing with his denimed-boner. what?  get ahold of yourselves boys!!!! that was sooo night at...
Posted by megan on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 01:11:00 PST

electronic venting

So, I have decided to down-grade my cable. there is just NOTHING on.  PBS is the only channel I can watch with out getting angry so I'm sorry MTV, I hate you again. Also, I'm starting ...
Posted by megan on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:49:00 PST